In the course of accomplishing business goals, firms and small businesses have embraced advertising as a way of promoting their offerings to the market. The usefulness of publicity as an appropriate marketing communications strategy is illustrated by the ever-increasing number of advertisements, some with even controversial responses. For instance, the recent hullaballoo about Pepsi’s advertisement themes depicts the relevance of designing appropriate advertisements. Other firms have routinely adhered to creativity, producing persuasive advertisements that go a long way in cementing the brand’s position in the market not only today but for the long haul. It explains why some advertisements have remained memorable, leading to the positive brand association and increased value of the offering. Advertising strategies are the key difference between a successful and a poor marketing campaign, offering relevant marketing information that will ultimately influence the customer’s buying decisions. It is through understanding these strategies that health practitioners can routinely communicate with their stakeholders using integrated styles and strategies for effective dissemination of information.

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Some advertisements have embraced propaganda tactics, designed to convince segments of the market into buying or agreeing with some point of view. It is important that these ads invoke confidence and belief to the audience. Such advertisements utilize bandwagons, which are declarations suggesting all individuals in the world or market territory are ardent users of the product or service. It is these strategies that influence prospecting customers to join the bandwagon and adopt new consumer behaviors to match with everyone in the vicinity.

Another useful strategy in advertising is the utilization of well-known personalities to push the popularity or utility of the offering. Endorsements can also take the form of a satisfied consumer giving testimony of the product’s desirable attributes. For instance, oral care products take advantage of dentists to promote the credibility of these products through brand association.

Another useful advertising tactic is to take advantage of emotions, transferring these sentiments to the target audience. For instance, many advertisements feature smiling models, creating the mood for every potential consumer. It is also notable that some advertisements also embrace sentiments such as patriotism, associating these ideal emotions to users of the product. For instance, Ford typically uses American patriotism to appeal to the market to consider domestic goods.

Firms also promote their goods and services through the use of vague words or phrases that appeal to human or society’s values. These unclear statements may attract the attention of gullible target audiences, especially due to the need for minimal evidence or proof of such statements. The wide range of glittering generalities include adjectives such as proven, safe, caring, the best and other superlatives that quickly place the product offering in a league of its own. These generalities are excellent for demographic segmentation, where terms in English or Spanish correspond to various market segments.

It is also worth noting how print advertisements also utilize humor, diverting the audience’s attention with witty statements or images. The usefulness of humor in advertisements helps prospective customers to positively associate with the product as well as aiding the recollection of the advertisement. Humorous content goes a long way in appealing to certain demographics, who may understand the meaning of the joke. The relevance of humorous advertisements today is appropriate for the techno-savvy audience, who may share the advert widely with their peers through the wide array of social media platforms available.

Some advertisements attempt to appeal to a specific market segment, using ways to associate the product with unique qualities. Such advertisements are popular for goods and customized services, which appeal to the market’s distinctive tastes, preferences, and lifestyles.

Some advertisements are renowned for suggesting that users of the products are services are better than everyone else. Such advertisements aim to embrace unique identities and psychographics, attaching great values to the product. These strategies are useful for luxury products, whose price alone ensures few but lucrative buyers. For instance, supercars are marketed for the ultra-rich, affording specialized after sales such as the membership to sports clubs for the well-heeled segments of the population.

These are phrases or statements designed to promote the product or service as preferred but otherwise provide little information about the product. Such words or phrases include, ‘new improved’ products, designed to extend the product’s lifecycle in the market. Other adjectives include long-lasting, sweet and even guaranteed. Other purr words could form part of slogans, which immediately influence the audience to use the product. Such words are appropriate for target audiences as they will be conversant with these catchy phrases or words. For instance, yummy targets children and younger consumers in the market.

Upon the scrutiny of the advertisements, it is clear that these strategies go a long way in substantiating the high costs of producing advertisements. It leaves one to question whether the firms took advantage of specialized marketing agencies or utilized in-house skill and competence. The wide array of high quality and timeless advertisements indicate that firms are increasingly faced with product decisions, which go a long way in influencing their advertising strategy. It is these reasons that make it easier for budding marketers to borrow a leaf or two from these professional advertising tactics, raising awareness and market reach for offerings.

These strategies are effective in the dissemination of health-related information, raising awareness of certain health procedures and systems. The health fraternity could adopt these powerful strategies in educating patients about the most guaranteed health procedures, helping increase the popularity of great pharmaceutical products or services. Such a scene is useful especially in the rising medical tourism sector, where domestic health establishments could be marketed as affordable to prevent the influx of patients to foreign medical destinations. For instance, plastic surgeries and other healthcare services need appropriate target audiences, ensuring a steady supply of patients into the healthcare system. It means stakeholders in the healthcare sector will have access to the wide range of advertising strategies, crucial in the dissemination of information during challenges. For instance, it is through responsive advertising strategies that individuals will answer calls for blood donation, especially after the deadly fatalities associated with an emergency or terrorist event. In other words, the healthcare fraternity could use celebrities, ethical and emotional appeals to increase the supply of blood donated for survivors.