Global research shows that teacher burnout is one of the main reasons teachers have a problem with teaching. Teacher burnout is a factor that affects many teachers in their duty, yet there are very few who know what it is. According to studies, teachers join the institution very energetic, with a passion and always ready to impact knowledge of the students. Soon, this passion dies out, and they not only fail to understand what happened to them, but do not know whether there are even ways through which they can revive their vigor and continue teaching again. Everybody has heard of the phrase “Inspire before you Expire” at some point in reference to teachers. In the simplest explanation that can be given, this phrase is supposed to imply that teachers, at some point in their career, will have to expire and it is, therefore, cardinal that they use the energy they have while joining a school to inspire the students before it dies out. In any case, if they ‘expire’, at least there will be a few who can carry on with the mantle. The paper will question the phrase ‘inspire before you expire’ stating whether teachers should believe in the eventuality of a burnout.

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Many articles and rich databases have documented teacher burnout and have given several ways through which they can avoid being disoriented in the workstation. As a teacher, the sources used in this paper agree that a burnout is real but is inevitable. Developing a teacher burnout is a process and require a process to address it. There is the reason a teacher may feel and disengage. There are also several ways through which a teacher can express a burnout or rather several symptoms that show a teacher is going through a burnout. A burnout kicks in a way a teacher would not suspect. They would typically feel sad, they may also feel sidelined and less attached to teaching (Amimo 339).

A teacher would attend a lecture only because the time states it should be her in a particular class and not because they feel that they should be in that class. While they may feel bored everyday they go to school, the burnout may decrease after the morning hours when they have already settled but will then kick in tomorrow. Compared to other professions, they are the fastest to burn out and has remained a matter of question in regard how they are important to the economy of the American people. Burnout cause much harm to the school performance records very low. To be able to counter the problem, researchers have come to identify some of the ways through which a burnout can be addressed. First, teachers should be provided with career development programs where they feel that they have accomplished something else other than teaching. It adds value to the experience they have on the field knowing that they have something else that helps them identify as professional teacher models.

In very many unfortunate situations, a profession, whichever it is, gets annoying at some point as the monotony is taking away all the adventure that characterizes a new job. The truth sis, teachers settle in their career with passion, but then that fades away sooner than they would have anticipated. While monotony is an enemy to every occupation, the burnout affects teachers more. To address this, teachers could be helped to develop a new professionalism that will allow them incorporate new technology, collaboration, organizational competence, flexibility, and mobility in what they do. What this does is that it helps them fit in their new roles of the school as learning institutions. Several other things that teachers could do to deal with the breakdown is remind their hearts that, however the workload, or the small payment, whatever they are doing is out of passion and they are enjoying it. Failure to do this will bring about hate to whatever one does and eventually be burned out. Always laughing and smiling whenever there is a chance light the mood in a room, returns the energy in a classroom, and everybody appreciates the work of the teacher, not students alone, but the teachers too.

I believe that the pay they receive, while compared to another occupation is very little, yet they sacrifice a lot to make sure that everybody else is having an education. Teachers will teach the doctors, politicians, teachers, presidents, and so on, yet people do not appreciate what they do and show that through the salary they receive. Still, I believe that teachers chose that line of work because they loved helping to and appreciated the role they play in the society. It means that we, as a nation, should learn to recognize the work they do and introduce awards for teachers who have shown exemplary service to the community and school. This should be awarded in every five schools, for example (Unterbrink 23). This will also be easy to monitor. In the case of the awards, teachers who have had their peers receive them should show some improvement in how they work as they aim to earn them themselves.

In conclusion, several issues have been raised in regard to how burnout occurs and what ways are there to address it. The workload foe a teacher is usually immense and tiring. In most cases, I believe a teacher gets to a point when they feel they cannot take it anymore. During this time, a teacher will often fail to show up at school and feel detached from the learning institution. They would feel that they have already given too much to the school and have not gotten anything in return. Well, apart from the negative feeling and the low self-esteem they have due to not having fun in their occupation. The pair has also identified some of the ways through which their spirits and morale can be raised.