In 2008, Charlie Sheen was the highest paid actor on television (People Magazine, 2016). His career in movies was already strong having starred in major motion pictures such as Platoon, Wall Street, and Major League. At the time, he was the star of the hit comedy Two and a Half...
Addiction is a vicious reality for a large portion of the world's population. For those that have succumbed to addiction, it can wring the life from their eyes and force them into being people they never dreamed they'd become. For their loved ones, it can be a painful cycle of...
Addiction is not a disease, but rather it is a Choice. The compelling, multidimensional argument that conceptualizes drug addiction as a disease is misleading as well as erroneous. Best survey data existing reflects that many drug addicts can quit their addiction, factual information that is inconsistent with a disease model...
Over the years, experts and practitioners have developed several methods and techniques to treat addiction. As reported by the American Psychological Association (2016), addiction may be defined as a condition in which one’s body demands a certain drug in order not to experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. The first...
Introduction There are various theories of what causes addiction; some blame biological causes (primarily heredity), while others place more responsibility on the presence or absence of psychological or social factors (West, 2011). Few theorists would posit that either biological or psychological factors are entirely responsible for addictive behavior; rather, most...
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