Strategies that support a consistent, effective, and reliable learning environment
Moving from one geographical setting to another has several effects, especially to the children. For instance, those families relocating to a different cultural setting where the language used, and social practices differs poses big challenges to the children. Ability to catch up in a different setting depends on several factors including the age of the children and their perception of the new environment. When such children are introduced to new schools, they are likely to face several challenges in adapting the system. Thus, in such circumstances, there is the need for teachers to improve the classroom environment that will enhance the effective and reliable learning environment for newcomers.

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Mentorship program, examining the student’s record, interacting with the students in ensuring that students don’t feel singled out or neglected as well as respecting a child’s individual privacy are among the essential factors to be considered in enhancing the effecting learning environment (Brown, & Patton, 2017). Thus, these mentioned issues can be classified into academics, curriculum, social, and mode of teaching.

Stephen Keiley Reflection on Teaching and Homeless
His reflection is touching as he focusses on the risk faced by these children in learning and developmental disabilities. He goes ahead notifying that such children face insufficiency of clothing, medication, food, sleep, and psychological care. It also impairs the physical care needed for proper growth and development. Such kids tend to display emotional and behavioral problems because of imbalanced living conditions or even caused by the family violence they experience. Hence, such experiences sum up to affect their learning abilities as they get stressed up in their daily survival. According to him, Kailey claims that it is factual if a parent struggles, then the children struggle as well.

Family insecurities have also been associated with poor performance for the scholars from such families. Housing and food insecurities drastically affect children’s attention and general behavior. A hungry child, constantly moving and living in temporary shelter, finds it difficult to concentrate and engage in learning activities (Foreman, & Arthur-Kelly, 2017). Such individuals are likely to suffer from socio-emotional and academic development. The family type can as well influence the relationship between teachers and student relationship. Teachers should enhance good connection with parents by organizing meetings to share on their children performance. This meeting will enhance the connection of the school with the families for a better understanding.

Although teachers handle issues regarding students at risk, the homeless cases are usually categorized as the most prone to academic difficulties. It encompasses a group of housed students living in poverty. It is important for the administration to identify them during admission and seek possible intervention. Excessive absenteeism and grade retention can be the major indicators of homelessness among scholars. Utilizing of informal assessment for the incoming students’ aids in finding out the strengths, skill levels, and weaknesses of these newcomers and minimize loss of instructional time (Brown, & Patton, 2017). Also, basis assessment that can easily and readily administer learning about abilities, needs, and student knowledge of the new student as well as be offsetting the potential negative effects of sudden departures is vital. It involves teachers even creating their own analysis or even giving the student a chance of sharing her past experiences in their former learning institutions.

Cognitive and Noncognitive Aspects
Employing and utilizing student’s non-cognitive abilities such as social and motivation adaptability is useful in promoting the formation of cognitive skills. For instance, it is observed that when parents struggle emotionally or physically, children often take the lead on completing and responding to questions to obtain services. Therefore, maintaining higher academic expectations in the process of accounting for a child’s personal issues requires flexibility and thoughtfulness among teachers to balance the two (Brown, & Patton, 2017). Allowing students to complete assignments independently or giving them enough time to complete homework at their own pace is also essential in creating a learning environment of inclusivity.

The experiences of mobile children contrast from those students stably housed and this influences the way of understanding and interpretation of information. Therefore, in creating an effective and reliable learning environment, a relevant school curriculum should be implemented that recognize such variations in a learning process. The curriculum should entail a safer and respectful learning environment that explores different ways of interpreting information (Brown, & Patton, 2017). Creating avenues for scholars to identify their strengths provides encouragement and self-esteem in reflecting on future opportunities and possibilities. When student get engaged in their education, they become motivated and figure out the big picture of schoolwork.

School environment can have other harmful effects regarding social engagements while focusing on developing a positive peer relationship. Detached schoolchildren usually perform poorly academically as compared to those well-connected socially and morally (Foreman, & Arthur-Kelly, 2017). Increased mobility by parents within unstable environment affects the children’s social life which consequently ascribes to their academic deterioration and participation. Adolescent students shy off from participating in school activities due to lack of stabilized social connections with their peers and classmates as they are affected by constant displacement. All these translate to low grades and poor concentration.

Homelessness and learning environment are factors that contribute to a student’s performance. Mobility should be minimized by creating a caring environment that promotes healthy learning atmosphere among the students without discriminating others. Thus, it is the responsibility of the teaching staff and administrators of learning institutions to ensure that children are taken care of and stay in a healthier learning environment.

  • Brown, K. V., & Patton, B. A. (2017). Early Childhood: Motivation and Stress.
  • Foreman, P., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2017). Inclusion in Action with Student Resource Access 12 Months. Cengage AU.