Speculating upon Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, it can be said that the author here makes stress upon illuminating the story concerning an angel that came from above the sky and was injured afterwards. As the passage opens, a Colombian short-story writer introduces Pelayo, one of the main characters, who comes across an old man with wings. Pelayo together with his wife Elisenda decides to put this weird man toward the chicken coop. Initially, the winged man was under the close oversight of people around. As a result, the two begin to take money off those willing to see the angel, which in turn greatly contributes to the financial well-being of the couple. Despite the fact that people demonstrated a strong desire to see the winged man at first, things gradually started to change. By getting closer to the end of Marquez’s short story, the readers are given the impression that the winged man is not in the limelight for people around anymore. At the end of this passage, the old man with wings gets better and flies away.
Throughout the short story, one cannot but give the author credit for evoking critical responses in readers and getting them involved in caring about the characters. Yes, as a matter fact, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings emerges to be full of thought-provoking new ideas even though the author does not help guide us through his text. After a careful consideration, it becomes apparent that the short story gravitates towards reflecting upon the way people respond to strange and, namely, supernatural occurrences. Sure enough, the short story creates a platform for the readers to intuit specific clues that the author might plant; no one can fail to note that the focus here is on interpretations. To put the matter differently, the short story raises many complex issues that each reader will most likely understand in a different way. Despite this all, however, it is safe to say that a common debate asks whether the old man should be referred to as an angel or not. In particular, the couple firmly believes that this man is none other than an angel who can help find the answers to big life questions. On the other hand, the local priest does not feel too confident about the couple’s argument and makes an attempt to find out everything he possibly can.
From my standpoint, Marquez places an emphasis on the aforementioned debate with reference to an old man falling from the sky in order to encourage the readers to expand the insight into their own attitude towards possible unexpected occurrences. In other words, the author prompts us to get into detail on whether the winged man deserves to be perceived as an angel. Obviously, the short story rests largely on a broad topic that the readers need to narrow themselves. Significantly, the author begs the question of religious instruction, thereby prompting the readers to determine their position on whether to be with or against its overwhelming prevalence in daily life. As the short story progresses, it is clear that interpretations have a strong connection the reaction itself. Sure enough, people respond to distinct things based on their personal sets of beliefs. For instance, the short story incorporates two distinct beings – namely, the winged man and the spider woman. Each of these characters is full of uncertainties and ambiguities, which in turn influences the readers in a way that they differently conceive of these beings.
In sum, I am fairly certain that many will find Marquez’s short story hard to understand. It does not mean, however, that a truly complex text cannot provide a deep sense of satisfaction that comes with unearthing the author’s initial intentions. As for me, A Very Old man with Enormous Wings deserves a strong recommendation, and reading this two-fold passage will definitely lead to unexpected discoveries.