A brilliant documentary Sicko, directed by Michael Moore, provides a harsh critic of the American healthcare. Being based on personal stories, told by ordinary Americans, the film demonstrates how many people do not have an access to medical care at all. The services are so expensive that people do not have the opportunity to pay for necessary operations. Obviously, many of them prefer to make the surgery themselves or pray to stay healthy every day, being not able to pay for proper treatment in the hospital.

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The documentary is built as a comparative analysis of medical insurance and general approach to healthcare in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Cuba, and France. The film can be divided into different interviews of people from the countries mentioned above. Besides, the film also implies the statements of the public officials, including Richard Nixon’s, John Ehrlichman’s, Clinton’s specific plan for healthcare, the interviews with French expatriates, the specialists in obstetrics, gynecologists, the US volunteers, who took part in the events in September, 11. At the end of the film, the narrator provides a thoughtful conclusion about the necessity to be more attentive to one another health without any differences based on race, gender, or cultural issues.

Unlike severe statistics, the film is interesting, since it shows the real things in the US healthcare, basing its arguments on personal experience of the American citizens. As a documentary, the film provides a thorough image of the several official healthcare programs, launched by the US Presidents and major authorities, including Raegan, Nixon, Clinton, and Bush. The film makes the emphasis that all these programs are based on the US political possessions and the official political course of the country. The documentary presents several people, who denies the official healthcare consciously, although being covered by a particular medical insurance program.

The film is moving, since it shows numerous people, who remain bankrupts and do not have a possibility to have any medical insurance. These people are actually left by the officials in the lurch, since the US healthcare is harsh. Unlike being a public service, medical insurance programs have turned into the severe business, where the profits are the only measure the specialists strive to gain. In order to prove such a statement, the documentary provide an interesting historical retrospective, which analyzes such issues as socialized medicine, seemingly equal, which was provided by Dr. Edward Annis, the President-elect of A.M.A. in 1962 (“Sicko” 34:51).

The final argument of the film, placed in the end, is the statement for free universal healthcare around the Western world. The narrator highlights that people live in the world of “we”, not “me”. Obviously, only in case the humans begin to take care of each other and share their problems equally, the true high quality healthcare services will appear in every country. A human health consists of numerous elements, which can operate only in a close connection and implies proper diagnosis, treatment, education, day-care, raising children, and taking care of the old. The humans should not rely on their governments, since the official authorities do not have the aim to take care of their citizens’ health, but strive to strengthen their political positions. Obviously, only an individual choices, decisive actions, and awareness of what should be done can bring the better future for everybody in the USA.

In conclusion, the documentary Sicko appears to be crucial to investigate, since it provide an interesting and significant view on the Western healthcare, as it is today. The film provides a set of different positions and arguments, based on the interviews, statistics, historical documents, and own experience, gained and collected by the film director. The arguments of the documentary are focused on individual awareness of the necessity of deep transformations in the US healthcare system and free universal healthcare, which depends on the proactive decisions of everybody as a must.