Peer pressure is the most powerful social force impacting the student academic performance. Most students influenced by their peers include those at their adolescence ages. Schools overall performance is usually influenced by the kind of the children enrolled alongside other factors such as the quality of education they offer. However, peer influence tends to be the major determiner of the performance in schools. The group a pupil or a student chooses to be involved in and stay with has a great impact on their academic performance. For instance, a student either scores impressively or poorly depending on the kind of peer group he or she is in. The parents often believe that associating their children with the best performing schoolmates to foster their ability towards a better academic achievement as well. However, peer pressure encompasses a lot of factors such as boredom, parental involvement, and need for help. For instance, students and pupils as well become more engaged with the kind of peers they associate with every day.

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Association with immoral groups may lead a student to poor performance and failure. This lies in the fact that most of the wicked peer groups may trigger a bad impression and peer pressure on the moral students and such, they may get involved in the immoral activities associated with such peers. For instance, being associated with theft and drug abuse may affect the student’s attitude towards academics, and thus, poor performance may result out. Similarly, some immoral groups associated with young age sexual activities may lead to early pregnancies. Early pregnancies may even lead to increased dropout rate in high schools. For instance, if a student finds herself pregnant, she may lose confidence to learn alongside her peers and thus, dropping out may be the best solution in such a case. If students are always associated with illegal activities will still feel ashamed to participate in classes, and this will adversely affect their academic achievement.

On the other hand, association with best-performing students considered to be the best peer groups is likely to attract every parent. Every parent knows the consequences of immoral peer groups and wishes their children to be always associated with the well performing team. The background of the group mates significantly impacts a student’s academic performance. Adolescence is a stage that most students tend to be independent in the decisions they make and thus, most parents require their parents to be surrounded by the best social networks to ensure they are not engaged in unethical activities that may lower their class participation and academic performance. The reason behind being students engaged with good peer groups is the uniformity of performance alongside other good results of the group engagement. However, not all students tend to perform best academically despite being in healthy peer groups, and thus, their behavior is the only best impacted in such a case.

The background of the children and admission policies of different schools affect academic performance alongside peer pressure. If students are engaged in moral groups, the consequences may spread to even those with bad behaviors. For instance, if most peer groups in the schools are moral, they may tend to change the other students in the immoral groups, and thus, the overall academic of the school may improve as a result. Most classes tend to share a common age and having moral peer influence may improve the academic performance of the overall students. Therefore, most moralistic groups are associated with the best educational outcomes while the ones in the immoral teams tend to perform poorly due to lesser time to be engaged in studies and learning activities.