Comparing Gimenez’s and Sen’s takes on globalization, we see two distinctly different definitions of this process. Gimenez defines globalization as a term used to gloss over and obscure what is essentially capitalist development. She proposes that it is nothing more than a trendy way of talking about the increasing dominance of the capitalist economic model without directly mentioning capitalism. Sen defines globalization as a complex process whereby economic and cultural progress is produced by market forces and open interaction between cultures. He argues that to take an extreme view on globalization, whether an extremely positive or extremely negative stance, is detrimental to development and that we should instead look carefully at the complex taking place. Sen proposes that careful analysis of the mechanisms of globalization can yield insight into how to reduce inequality between rich and poor.
Clearly, Gimenez has a more negative opinion of globalization than Sen. One of the biggest differences in their analyses lies in their treatment of the impact of globalization on economic inequality. Gimenez very directly blames globalization for a growing gap between the rich and poor as well as a decline of the middle class, especially in developing countries. Sen, on the other hand, takes a more nuanced stance and does not come to a clear conclusion as to whether globalization is increasing or lessening inequality between rich and poor. He suggests that more careful analysis is needed in order to determine its influence.

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Taking both of their definitions and my own reflection into account, I would define globalization as a complex economic and cultural process that is affecting the global economy in ways that we don’t yet fully understand. It seems that the effects this enormous and convoluted process are on such a large scale that it is difficult to draw any definite conclusions. Lastly, I conclude that the biggest question surrounding globalization is: can it serve as a model for economic growth that benefits everyone equally or is just leading us to ever-increasing economic inequality?