From the information about infancy (0-2) and early childhood (2-6), add to your personal case study. Be sure to include the theories! Add the two sections:Infancy:  What do you know or what can you ask your parents/caregivers about your development from 0-2 years?

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Evidently it is almost impossible to remember any details from my own memory about this time. However, my parents and grandparents are excellent sources of information, and because my family is so close there are many people who remember my early development. I was apparently a quiet baby, although I learnt to talk (babble) quite early. I believe this part of my development comes from my culture, because I was always surrounded by adult members of my family, so I was exposed to adult language quite early.

I was apparently quite eager to learn to walk because I wanted to follow these adults around, again showing the importance of my family in my early development – they were an important sociocultural force. My siblings also developed in a similar way (we all shared the same first word) which may be a combination of biological and sociocultural factors – similar to Vygotsky’s theory. This is also where I learnt the basic trust vs. mistrust – I knew I could trust my family members because I relied on them for my well-being during this period, and my needs were always met.

Early Childhood:  what do you remember about your early childhood development? 
My early childhood development was interesting because I liked to interact with the younger children because I have younger siblings. I liked to act as though I was their leader, showing a tendency towards initiative (and maybe bossiness) from a younger age. I think this has played an important part in who I am today, partly because it showed me to always take care of the family and partly giving me a sense of responsibility that I don’t think only children share to the same extent. Additionally, I remember being very eager to start school and start learning, although when the time actually came I was nervous about the new beginning and the new start. I was always interested in what other people were doing, which sometimes got me into trouble, but this shows I was ready to develop intellectually and academically when the time came. I believe my cognitive development through learning has influenced who I am today, similar to the ideas found in Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory. Although my father was away a lot, I developed a strong relationship with him during the times he was home, although I agree with the theory that interaction with my father was more about play than the care I received from my mother.