Public smoking is one of the most unethical habits in the society today because it is associated with various environmental, economic, social and health concerns and should be avoided. Public smoking is very common in the society today, the habit exposes very many innocent people to the health issues that are associated with the cigarette smoke. Banning of public smoking is the most practical and realistic way through which innocent people can be protected from the risks associated with smoking.

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[Thesis Statement] I will talk about the importance of banning smoking in public places because the cigarette smoke is a public health hazard and it in an environmental pollutant.
[Transition] Banning smoking will enhance ethical and moral standards.

Smoking in public is a health hazard because it predisposes many people to health concerns
Smoking in public exposes the passive smokers into the risk of being affected by various diseases
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, Passive smoking is a major concern in public health. (CDC, 2014).
According to Tobacco Free Publication (2014), Passive and active smokers are exposed to an equal risk of chronic diseases’ attack.
When one person smokes in public, everybody in that environment is a passive smoker because they inhale most of the contents from the smoke
Some of the chronic health conditions that are associated with passive smoking include cancer, diabetes, hypertension and stroke (TMA, 2014).
The children and infants are also exposed to various health complications
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports also argues that infants and children are affected in numerous ways because of the passive smoke (Riffkin, 2014).
The smoke can facilitate the development of various allergies in children.
Children who have respiratory tract infections are likely to develop complications as a result of the exposure to the smoke (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2015).
Smoking in public is detrimental to environmental conservation initiatives
Smoking in public is a major air pollutant.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services Tobacco Free report, Smoke compromises the integrity of fresh air.
The smoke can cause a lot of irritation to the eyes and when inhaled in the people (Altia, 2015).
When the smoke mixes with dusts and other substances in the air it can reduce visibility which can make people causes accidents (Smoke free Washington, 2014).

[Transition] banning public smoking can assist in restoring the integrity of the environment and enhance respect to the public
Some people argue that smoking is their choice and they should be allowed to do it anywhere.
Banning smoking in public is likely to deny other people their rights.
According to GWADH (2014), everybody has a right to choose what to do.
Banning of smoking in public is will limit the smokers and thus deny them their freedom
When an individual chooses to smoke in public, his main intention is not to promote passive smoking in the public.
[Impact Statement]: While safeguarding the interests of an individual, it is moral and ethical to consider the health of the public and the children who are likely to be affected negatively through the selfish actions of one person (TPCHD, 2015).

[Transition] Banning public smoking is a protection of the interests of the public
Smoking in public places should be banned because it is a public health hazard and it in an environmental pollutant (ACS, 2014).
Banning of smoking in public is very instrumental towards safeguarding the interest of the public and assisting in upholding the integrity of the environment.

  • ACS. Secondhand Smoke. American Cancer Society. 2014. Retrieved from
  • Altia, (2015). Public Place Smoking Restrictions. Altia Group Publication.
  • CDC. Health effects of Secondhand Smoke. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2014.
  • GWADH. Smoking In Public Places. Government of Western Australia Department of Health. 2014.
  • Riffkin, R. (2014). American favor Ban on Smoking in Public, but not Total Ban. Gallup Inc. Publication.
  • Smoke free Washington. Smoking in Public Places. Smoke Free Washington Publication. 2014. Retrieved from
  • Tobacco Free. Secondhand Smoke. US Department of Health and Human Services. 2014.