Music involves the production of melodies, sound, beats, and rhythmic tunes through songs and instruments. As such, listening to music evokes a feeling which cannot be described unless it is heard. Music can be interpreted in many ways depending on the approach taken by the musician. If one was surrounded by people who sounded like music some of the sounds that they would be exposed to are loud and soft sounds of melodic harmony. Melodic music travels in a systematic way and is often complimented with the presence of beats (Copland 67).

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Other forms of music that would be representative of the people around me are round songs and songs of harmony. Such songs involve two or more people who use different music pitches to achieve a blend of contrasting sounds. Some of the songs in this case are round songs, duets, and choirs. Another element of music is rhythm which is representative orderly and systematic music. Rhythmic sounds can be produced by different pitches and musical elements making them the synchronized (Copland 16).

One of the sounds of music that is more elaborate and associated with groups of people is folk songs. Such sounds are produced by a magnitude of people who actively participate in producing chanting, clapping, singing, harmonizing, and dancing. Lastly, if the people around me were music, one of the sounds that would attract me to them is the sound of the piano. The use of this string instrument evokes a spiritual and relaxed feeling depending on the pace of the song. The sounds can change from crescendo, decrescendo, and allegro (Copland 119). To summarize, all these sounds take a groups of people to become beautiful music that is relatable in all parts of the world.

  • Copland, Aaron. What to Listen for in Music. New York, N.Y: Signet Classic, 2002. Print.