The positivist school of the criminology asserts that scientific objectivity should play a measuring role in the assessment of the criminal behavior. In other words, the scientific knowledge is the critical area for shaping the criminal assessments. In criminology, the positivist approach demonstrated a scientifically proven link between the lower intelligence and committed crimes. The relationship with the property offenders is crystal clear – the individuals with the proven record of the lower intelligence are more likely to commit crimes in comparison to other groups of citizens.
Strain theory originally derives from the sociological studies, asserting that the society can put pressure on individuals and force them committing crimes. A sociologist Emile Durkheim was one of the first scholars to elaborate on the implications of the theory. A critical fact about strain theory is that the theory asserts that only a minority of strained individuals are more susceptive to committing crimes. For instance, in the aftermath of the emotional breakout, property offenders are more likely to commit crimes. Primarily, their behavior can be explained as social deviance exposed in the particular course of actions.

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Human Genome Project was initially a project aimed at mapping the human genes and defining the factors that comprise an individual DNA. Originally deriving from biology, it had its impact on criminology, too. Comparing to the two theories described above, the human genome project bears somewhat limited implications on the criminology. Along with identifying the human genes, human genome project has the impact on the legal issues. In particular, the Human Genome Project continuously receives the funding from the US budget to address the scientific issues in criminology. Its role in the property offenders could be defined as faciliatory to the identification of the individuals who committed crimes upon possible traces on crime scenes.

  • An Overview of the Human Genome Project. (2018). National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Retrieved 19 February 2018, from
  • Positivist criminology facts, information, pictures | articles about positivist criminology. (2018). Retrieved 19 February 2018, from
  • Strain Theories – Criminology – Oxford Bibliographies – obo. (2018). Retrieved 19 February 2018, from