Archer, Louise, DeWitt, Jennifer, Dillon, Justin, Osborne, Jonathan, Willis, Beatrice and Wong,Billy. ‘Not girly, not sexy, not glamorous’: primary school girls’ and parents’
constructions of science aspirations. Department of Education and Professional Studies,
King’s College London, London, UK; b School of Education, Stanford University, Palo
Alto, California USA

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Archer, take on the subject of women and their presence in science related fields of work. To look at the difference in roles between men and women, is something that the authors consider to be important for their study. To look at the difference between the masculine nature of the male species and to also consider the female nature, or femininity of the female species and to look at the manner in which those would be encompassed in the perception of who would traditionally perform better in both the math and science subject areas. The authors do provide the potential for female belief in science being a subject of interest, as they allude to it in their work but do make mention of something that many have come to realize. That is, a lot of females have been known to not be as keen to be interested in science, which very well leads heed to the belief that men are often times more interested in scientific studies than women are.

Chen, Jacqueline M & Moons, Wesley G. They won’t listen to me: Anticipated power and
women’s disinterest in male-dominated domains. Group Processes and Intergroup
Relations. 2015, Vol. 18(1) 116-128. Copyright: The Author(s) 2014.
Chen, also addresses the variance in terms of female representation in the fields of science and math. Some of the possible reasoning behind this would be either that women make the decision to go on to something else, or leave the field(s) for reason(s) outside of their own specific desires. A key part in this piece is where the authors talk about how all people have an inherent desire to exhort a sense of control over their surroundings. To be able to not only know what is going on but to be able to feel like they have some sense of control to one degree or another. This is something that would be inherent in most, if not all human beings to one degree or another and the authors include this as a means of acting as a connection with the overall point that they seek to have their work make.

Preston, Allison. An Empirical Analysis of the Career Expectations of Women in Science and
Technology Courses. Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic
relations of work. 16:3, 21-38, DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2006.10669328
This article talks about the choices that come into play, in terms of what makes people decide to take the jobs that they end up taking in the first place. To look at the following as means of possible reasons for making such decisions; economics as it would come to money earned, psychological as it would come to the mental aspect, as well as sociological and the last part would have to do with the social influences that would serve as a means by which an individual(s) would choose a respective job(s), as it would come to the social influences that they may be exposed to in their given set of circumstances. These are three of the common choices by which many gauge how or when they will approach a job, or quite possibly, how they will approach any situation. This article also talks about the shortage of women in key areas of the sciences and how that may come to pass.