Despite moving towards improvement, the problem of low life expectancy has not changed a lot, and according to the World Bank, life expectancy has grown by only a couple of years over a ten-year period (, 2017). Especially weak was and still is the growth in the countries of Central Africa and the Middle East. The life expectancy depends directly on the economic and social situation in the country, much more than on climate, availability of certain products or a nation preference of a certain life style. Life expectancy can be understood as the average age that a newborn is expected to survive, if the living conditions remain at about the same level. That is why the external factors, in which the state is, so strongly influence the average life length of upcoming generation. Therefore, one can understand why the developed countries have such a high indicator of life expectancy.

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The developing world is constantly facing a number of problems, including hunger, low education rates, poor health conditions, lack of social and state security, dilapidated infrastructure, and corruption. While most developed countries have a structured health system, as well as full-fledged social care, and a high economic indicator, which also contributes to the development of military power and state security. That is why they have the status of a developed country. Moreover, developed countries do not suffer from a lack of food or nutrition. In fact, people in some of these countries are struggling with obesity and excessive consumption, as well as melancholy from the lack of a challenge in life. However, it is said that “the process of urbanization and the associated rise in the concentration of the population further contributed to the increase in the extrinsic mortality risk” ( Galor, Moav. 2005, p.3). Despite this fact, evolutionary changes, as well as industrial development would give an advantage for longer living individuals, increasing their representation in the population.

One of the potentially effective ways to solve the problem of low life expectancy is to improve health. Many developing countries neglect health as a method of combating a low standard of living in general. Excessively, health care remains the platform for serious corruption schemes, in some cases, there is a simple privatization of medical institutions and a strong increase in the price of services. It is believed that the inhabitants of most African countries choose traditional medicine because of low education and mistrust of civilized methods of health care. The Ebola virus had a strong effect for a number of reasons, for example, because of the tradition of washing the bodies of the dead, which should immediately be isolated and placed deep into the ground. Cultural characteristics and low awareness of simple hygiene standards led to serious consequences in the fight against the virus. The governments of developing countries should invest more in health care, and into increasing heath caring awareness in general. Getting high-quality first aid and general care for the sick would move the society from the meter point.

In general, studying any problem of a country leads to its root cause: corruption. It’s hard to say whether poor countries are poor because of corruption, or because of geographical location or some other reasons. The developed countries could benefit and build a civilized society in various climatic zones, with different population and the presence or absence of natural resources. “Africa presents a typical case of the countries in the world whose development has been undermined and retarded by the menace of corrupt practices.” (Lawal 2007, p. 4). Eliminating corruption leads to the solution of most acute problems. To begin with, first aid would be given to all those in need, and the reserves of food and drinking water would not be kept by the government for the personal benefit of its representatives. The population would have received everything necessary for normalizing the vital activity. The population, recovering from constant dangers and extreme conditions, could become more productive, and would be ready for the next stage that goes after eliminating corruption – social work. Investing in social care would provide many jobs, improving social relations in general. Working people have fewer reasons and time to search and use alcohol or drugs, so the number of illegal activities and the associated mortality would steadily decline. Putting more funds into the military sector, as well as increasing national self-determination would improve the country’s military strength. Ironically, strengthening the military sector does not necessarily lead to more conflicts. The military sector provides work to the soldiers, teaching young people discipline, giving them a minimum necessary to provide families or at least themselves. In the same way, the work would be provided with competing spheres of activity supporting the army. Internal and external security and defense capability of the country increases along with the image of the country on a global scale. Obviously, the low expected continuity of life indicates poor socio-economic conditions. Corruption is more expensive than any problem with natural resources, climate, or external enemies. Moreover, the elimination of corruption usually leads to a further solution of all the above problems. In order to eliminate corruption, awareness and out-of-the-ordinary thinking are needed, and such an improvement requires a nationwide effort.

  •, 2017. Life expectancy at birth, total (years) | Data. [online] Available at:
  • Galor, O. and Moav. O., 2005, Natural Selection and the Evolution of Life Expectancy, Available from:
  • Gbenga L., 2007, Corruption and Development in Africa: Challenges for Political and Economic Change, Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 2 (1): 01-07