In our Week 5 discussion transcript (2017), we saw a situation in which a staff nurse brought up valid safety concerns about her working environment to one of her lead nurses. The lead nurse did a great job actively listening to what the staff nurse had to say and even suggested a solution to the staff nurse’s problem that may directly solve it. While this was just an initial brainstorming session, the nurse who is a home care leader even said that the probability of adding security to the budget can increase if it can be justified that the nurses who work in the dangerous areas of town need protection. I think that this is an excellent example of how to alleviate the fears and qualms of an individual towards a necessary part of their job duties. While there is no way for the home care leader to stop serving the dangerous part of town in question, she did give remedies to the solution and tried her best to stop the staff nurse from quitting her job abruptly.

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On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say that the home care leader handled this situation enough to score a 9. The only reason that I would not give her a ten is that she may have accidentally made a promise to the staff nurse that she cannot keep. Earlier collaboration would have been beneficial if the staff nurse had a chance to choose a safer area to work in instead of automatically being assigned by her superiors. I believe that a BSN-RN would bring more of an administrative tone and background to this scenario. A BSN-RN would have more in depth knowledge of the legal and corporate policies that are in play for home care nurses and their rights to workplace safety.


  • Week 5 Discussion: Second Life Transcript. (2017). Screenshot 20171108-110315.png [PNG]