The World War is arguably one of the most monumental events that the world has experienced. Moreover, the term World War is representative of the involvement of various countries and their quest to attain their sovereignty while incorporating their social, economic, and political structures as a recognized system of governance’s. The World War 11 lasted from 1939-1945 making it one of the key events in the mid 20thCentury. Ideally, the main motivation for the world war was economic seeing as most countries were fighting to new territories. To add on, the important treaties such as the treaty of Versailles had failed. As such, involved countries such as Germany, France, and Britain in preferred to engage in war as opposed to take the diplomatic route. Notably, historians often analyze the cause of the world war making it an essential subject. However, it is often advised to understand the effects of the war seeing as the events have influenced the current policies, societies, and economic structures that are experienced to date
In essence, most of the implications of the war have been dubbed as negative given that millions of lives of the soldiers were lost in support of the honor of their countries. To add on, a large percentage of victims and calamities were recorded considering the inversion of various societies by the soldiers. Hence, the war changed the social structures of many economies in more ways than one. The article in question focuses on the implication of the war with regard to the rise of female employment. As mentioned earlier, the war changed the social arrangement of most societies and families owing to the loss of lives. However, a closer look at the dynamic of the war exposes the way in which the system of recruitment and selection of the soldiers affected the family dynamic in more ways than one.

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Firstly, the article explains the role of the family patriarch with regard the decision of labor in the household. Like most countries, the United States is a patriarch state in that most of the opportunities and economic responsibilities are dominated by men. As such, duties such as employment and payment of the bills are often managed by the men. To add on, the resulted in the recruitment of male figures in the family, which caused an imbalance in the family unit. During the war, more and more families lost members of their men to the war given that healthy and able men were required to fight in the war

As such, this had a direct implication on role of women in the family and society as a whole. One of the implications in this situation was that women had to take a more active role by providing for the family financially. The war resulted in the rise of in the rate of female employment seeing as women had to take on both the responsibility of both the man and the women. If anything, the creation of new industries in the war such as the textile industries, food and hospitality industry, and nursing and healthcare attracted women employees who in the past could only work as maids and cooks. The war affected various sectors of the United States economy. Therefore the events can be credited for shaping the countries social arrangement in the United States with reference to the development of the countries workforce.

In essence, the article analysis of the above article has proved to be educational to me in more ways than one. It is essential to recognize the work of the author who puts together research from different sources of literature to come up with a non bias report of the implication of the world war two. Notably, the main focus of the article is based on the rise of employment of women in the United States in the mid 1900s. Hence, the experience has proved to be essential in my understanding of how to analyze and interpreted information.

The article is written by Claudia Golding who has spent a significant amount of time researching on the world war. She places emphasis on the rise of female employment during the world war because she values the role of women in the workforce. The topic in question has been interesting to read because it showcases the various social changes that have taken place as a result of the change in the household. In many cases, the role of the women is often downplayed considering that most of the literature is written from a male perspective. In this case, the writer approaches the article using the views of female participants. As such, the information offers primary information which makes the experience more genuine.

Writing the article has exposed me to new ideas and thoughts. In turn, I have a new found respect for women in the United States and in different parts of the globe. If anything, the article has exposed me to alternative topics concerning the world war such as the countries social arrangement, economic growth, and the incorporation of policies into the new constitution to accommodate the soldiers. To conclude, the article has been very inspirational to me in more ways than one making me more knowledgeable in matters of female development.

  • Golding, D. Claudia. “The Role of World War 11 in the Rise of Women’s Employment”. The American Economic Review 81, no.41 (1991):741-756.