In as much as this is a fictional movie, it conveys important themes that are still currently in practice in the United States. The film begins by conveying the theme of distorted socialism. The U.S. government has succeeded in coming up with strategies to manipulate the citizens and make them completely reliant on the provisions of the government. The next theme is that of corruption and violence exhibited by the government in its dealings. The U.S. government will not stop at anything to ensure that their needs are satisfied regardless of whether the consequences of the government’s actions will negatively affect sections of its population. The FBI agent sent to investigate a sensitive murder that occurred in the area occupied by members of his Sioux heritage relays the theme of discovering one’s heritage. The government takes advantage of the fact that this agent is half-Indian to send him on this dangerous assignment. This study will give an in-depth analysis of the above identified themes.

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Distorted Socialism
The U.S. government has created a world which leaves its citizens with no other choice but to depend on the provisions by the state. The practice of legit socialism does not constitute taking advantage of the ability to provide citizens with what they need in order to survive for the government’s own selfish needs (Makovi). This is a rule that the U.S government has broken and continues to break even to date. This movie seeks to bring to light the evils of America’s proclaimed socialism. The main motive of applying distorted socialism is so as to take advantage of the sufferings of the country’s majority in order to give a chosen few power over the many.

In response to this situation, the American Indian Movement was formed in the 1970s to resist this situation. The activities outlined in this movie are a reflection of America’s distorted socialism. The FBI agent sent to investigate the murder initially thought that there was nothing more into the murder other than just the ill motive of the perpetrators in the ARM group. After following up on the murder, the agent establishes that it was not committed by members of the ARM group as had been thought earlier. After uncovering that the FBI agency of the government was the one responsible for the murder, the authorities send people to cut him off.

Corruption and Violence
Through corruption and violence, the government is able to enforce its illegal agendas not outlined in the American constitution. The citizens of the United States have the constitutional right to criticize the government on the areas where they think it has erred. When the ARM, in the film, tries to raise complaints about the government’s activities, the FBI agency comes up with a corrupt and violent plot. The aim of this plot is to make the ARM look bad and as such, give the central government the justification to ignore their concerns.

The depiction of corruption and violence in the film is crucial in the sense that this factors can be related to the current political situation in the country. The film was shot in the 1970s. The manner through which the government’s corruption and violence was depicted during these time is still in practice up to date. This movie is the voice of minority groups in the United States who continue to suffer as a result of the government’s unjust actions. Governments have the responsibility of ensuring that the rights of their respective citizens are not violated (Asongu). The government owes this responsibility to all members of the public regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religious affiliation.

This film also focuses on the need for the public to stand for what is right irrespective of the consequences. The ARM group is a perfect case study of how oppressed citizens can stand up against a government’s unjust practices. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for the members of such groups to ensure that they strictly adhere to the rule of law even when demanding for their rights. The incidences in the film clearly show that there will be consequences for indulging in unlawful acts in the process of advocating for equal rights for everyone.

Discovering One’s Heritage
Discovering one’s heritage can be quite exhilarating and interesting. This is evident when the FBI agent goes back to his father’s people. The process of discovering one’s heritage can pose considerable risks to an individual’s normal life processes such as work. The main character in the film shows just how bad it can become. However, it is important for a person to know their cultural background. This knowledge should be used to improve one’s view and perception of the world.

Films are a good way of sending messages to the general public. Good movies are those that serve pedagogical purposes in addition to being entertaining. They also ought to convey messages which people can relate to within their societies. The Thunder Heart is an example of such productions. The most important aspect of the film is how it successfully manages to convey the themes that have been discussed above. In this case, it serves as the voice of the people suffering from the injustices outlined in the plot. Through such creative minds, the world is made aware of such sufferings. By doing that, it increases the chances of the oppressed groups getting the relevant help and support.

  • Asongu, Simplice A. Fighting Corruption in Africa: Do Existing Corruption-Control Levels
    Matter? St. Louis: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, 2012. ProQuest. 14 Oct. 2017.
  • Makovi, Michael. Two Opposing Economic-Literary Critiques of Socialism: George Orwell
    Versus Eugen Richter and Henry Hazlitt. St. Louis: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, 2015. ProQuest. 14 Oct. 2017.