Various ethical dilemmas could arise during my advocacy campaign for childhood obesity. First, the physical effects of the proposed obesity intervention program are still uncertain. For example, upholding the right diet could not reduce the cases of obesity in the local population entirely since a certain portion of the total cases of obesity that has been registered so far is linked to genes. However, the issue can be resolved by developing a pool of possible sets of interventions that will suit all cases of obesity. Second, people are still doubtful on whether the suggested childhood obesity solutions will offer good results or not. Cases of obesity are typically associated with negative psychological consequences, for example, stigmatization of the victims that makes them lose confidence regarding the health care efforts that are being developed to assist them in attaining normal body weight. The issue can be solved by offering consultations and educative forums aimed at creating awareness about the issue of obesity in the community (Cowen & Moorhead, 2011).
Third, inadequate distribution of information regarding the problem of obesity in the society is also an ethical dilemma. However, the challenge can be resolved by distributing books and journals that have been compiled to discuss obesity. Also, conducting door to door campaign about obesity will also be an incredible platform for spreading information about obesity in the society. Additionally, organizing community meetings to instill and enhance public awareness concerning the devastating effects of obesity will also be a good resolution step towards the success of the initiative. Finally, interfering with people’s social life and their choices like eating lifestyle as a way of spearheading childhood obesity campaign is also a significant ethical dilemma. Perhaps, the campaign will be conducted to ensure that all people in the society make the right and required dietary choices as stipulated by nutritional experts. The challenge can be addressed by enlightening people about the relevance of following the required dietary procedures strictly (Langwith, 2013).

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There are numerous reporting requirements and ethics laws that apply to childhood obesity campaign. The campaign will typically incorporate initiatives of ensuring that foods that are sold and served in school environments have undergone the current nutritional guidelines to ensure that they assist in reducing and preventing cases of obesity in children. In retrospect to that, the initiative should improve accessibility to healthy and approved foods that can help in preventing cases of obesity through readjustment and appropriation of affordable prices. The program will conduct campaigns of ensuring that the duration of children’s involvement in physical activities in both school and home environments are enhanced to improve the breakdown of additional food materials that can result in build ups of weights in children. Besides that, using both incentive and disincentive pricing policies to boost the purchase of more healthful foods should also be a matter of concern in the all-around set up of the campaign (Guido, 2010).

Children’s exposure to unhealthy foods should also be reduced be enforcing regulatory laws aimed at preventing children from purchasing such food. The campaign will also make efforts to ensuring that governments and countries have formulated rules and regulations to guide industrial foods manufacturing and ensure that they adhere to the required dietary standards aimed at reducing the cases of childhood obesity. The advocacy campaign for childhood obesity will also make initiatives of making society laws together with the concerned stakeholders to ensure that the best practices of childhood obesity are put into place. The action will also make efforts of pushing governments and countries to make budgetary allocations for constructing and improving children recreational centers from where they can indulge in exercise practices to keep their bodies fit and disease free (Langwith, 2013).

The psychological effect is an ethical challenge that is unique to parents and children who will participate in the advocacy campaign for childhood obesity. Perhaps, some parents can develop conflicting ideas regarding the possibility of addressing the challenge of childhood obesity using the appropriated interventions. On the other hand, children who are obese can consequently find it difficult and strenuous to participate in exercise activities. However, the advocacy campaign will also provide a consultation program for advisory and support reasons. Another ethical challenge that is unique to the advocacy program for childhood obesity is possible resistance from parents and children regarding the social eating habits. Children will typically find it hard to adapt to the changes in dietary requirements and regulations guiding their feeding habits (Langwith, 2013).

Parents will also feel inferior about the nutritional decisions that they usually make. In fact, some of them will think that the aim of their campaign is to disapprove their decisions. Also, some may feel guilty of contributing towards the buildup of obesity in their children due to dietary unawareness. However, the challenge can be addressed by educating both the children and their parents the relevance of taking the healthy and required amount of food. Another ethical problem that is likely to face children and their parents are adjusting to new safe food procedures as required by new nutritional guidelines. Members of the advocacy campaign will conduct an initiative of enlightening all members of the community about the underlying importance of embracing the new dietary guidelines. Far from that, not unless policies are made to guide the prices of healthy and approved foods, parents will find it difficult to meet such costs. Thankfully, the advocacy campaign will ensure that there are price readjustments for the approved food substances to improve its accessibility. Finally, the inadequacy of information about obesity is also a unique ethical challenge that is likely to face the initiative of child obesity campaign. However, the problem can be addressed through the appropriation of books and other literacy materials that might be helpful (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).

  • Cowen, P. S., & Moorhead, S. (2011). Current issues in nursing. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.
  • Guido, G. W. (2010). Legal & ethical issues in nursing. Boston: Pearson.
  • Langwith, J. (2013). Childhood obesity. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
  • Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.