Center for Teaching, Research, & Learning. (2016). Qualitative Research Introduction. Retrieved 5 February 2016, from
This particular source offers insight into how qualitative research is best conducted. It provides the guidelines that should be used in determining the most effective questions and approach for the study to take. In addition, it discusses the different means through which data may be collected and analyzed the most efficiently for a qualitative study, discussing the use of computer assistance, how to work to ensure reliability and validity within the study, and the most appropriate means of presenting the data. The source is published by a reputable institution in the field of research and the articles referenced in the creation of the same are from some of the most well known researchers in the field of research at this time. The report is not only credible, it offers valuable information that serves to benefit the overall quality of the study and the methodology chapter presented therein.

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Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
J. Creswell is perhaps the premier source when it comes to research and research design. He serves to provide all of the information necessary, within this particular text, concerning the different research designs possible, separated by the different types of methodological approaches that may be employed, qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method. This text is highly beneficial to the completion of this research and the write up of the research study, providing insight into not only how the research design should be structured to be the most effective for the resolution of the research questions, but affording the insight necessary to assist in the determination of the tools and instruments necessary to collect the requisite data to do so. The source is a highly credible one, and it is the most recent version of Creswell’s work, ensuring that all of the information contained within the study, and even the design of the study itself, adheres to the most recent guidelines possible.

Engel, R. and Schutt, R. (2010). Fundamentals of social work research. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
The book, Fundamentals of Social Work Research was designed to assist as a research tool that would aid students in the development of the skills necessary to conduct effective research practices. In addition to this, the book provides the insight necessary to assist students in evaluating research and in conducting their studies, in particular the design and methodology of the studies, to ensure the highest quality research possible was being conducted and completed. This study is published by Sage, one of the premier academic journal publishers and the publishing house is a scholarly one, with all work produced carefully reviewed to ensure that there is no discrepancy or error. This reference text is highly beneficial to the study, ensuring that all requisite components for the completion of a study such as this one are present. It provides a strong base for the completion of the study and its design, akin to Creswell.

Katou, A. A. (2015). Transformational leadership and organisational performance. Employee Relations, 37(3), 329-353. doi:10.1108/ER-05-2014-0056
Katou’s (2015) article is published in a peer reviewed, academic journal, making it a source of high repute and one that has its place within academic and scholarly work, both on its own and as a reference. The information contained within the article is not only reputable, it serves to provide key insights into the concept of transformational leadership and how the practices of transformational leadership may be applied within an organization to positively affect organizational performance. It likewise addresses the lack of effect on organizational performance that the practices of transformational leadership may have if they are not employed effectively or are not followed in their entirety. To this end, the article is a highly beneficial one for use within the context of this study as it provides insight into the link that the researcher is attempting to study, specifically the potential benefits to organizational performance that the application of transformational leadership will have within a park setting.

Keshtiban, A. E. (2013). The Challenges and Benefits of the Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), in Terms of Gender and the Level of Analysis: A Critical Review of Current Research. Proceedings of the European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance, 58-65.
The multi-factor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) is one of the tools, or instruments, that will be used in the completion of the researcher’s study. The selection of this tool allows for the identification of the type of leadership that employees believe will be necessary in order to improve the current relationships present between park employees. This tool is well known, well respected, and widely used in leadership studies. Keshtiban’s (2013) article looks at the different challenges and benefits that are associated with its use, using multiple published studies as examples of these challenges and benefits. This serves to not only provide the forewarning to the researcher of the potential difficulties that using this particular tool might cause, but at the same time provides the researcher with examples of the myriad ways in which the use of this tool ultimately benefits the study. The article is from a report that was produced for the European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, a highly respected and well known conference within the field of leadership. This conference allows for the distribution and dissemination of knowledge, determining the best ways through which leadership practice may be improved. As such, not only does it serve to further validate the researcher’s use of this particular instrumentation, but provides insight into the potential hazards that the researcher may face in its use, allowing the researcher to plan for and to plan around those potentialities while reducing the likelihood of their occurrence, making it a valuable addition to the study.