I believe that the descriptive statistics in “The Relationships among Anxiety, Anger, and Blood Pressure in Children” sufficiently describes the major key variables and background characteristics of the sample. It shows that 264 children from grades kindergarten to sixth were recruited from 5 different schools. It also states that though all the schools were located in a large metropolitan city, the socioeconomic levels varied. In the beginning of the results section, the sample was further broken down into gender and ethnicity.

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Appropriate descriptive statistics were used. Table 1 in the Results section showed the results of the Pediatric Anger Expression Scale (PAES) and the Pediatric Anxiety Scale (PANX) in a clear and concise way. The table started with the total scores and then were broken down into two more columns with the statistics of both female and male students. Table 2 shows blood pressure values versus variables such as anger, anxiety, height and weight. The statistical analyses that were undertaken to assess threats to the study’s validity were mentioned briefly in the Limitations section: blood pressure readings and anger instruments were only administered one time to avoid patterns. If the study was done for a longer time, it is thought that patterns would be able to be identified.

In reporting information about the scale scores for boys and girls the researchers stated that boys had higher mean anger scores but lower mean anxiety scores than girls. The researchers tested whether the sex difference were statistically significant by grouping the data into “boys” and “girls” variables. The researchers also state that the findings of their research along with other reports stress the importance of gender specific research on hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the future.

This report did a tremendous job of describing the process by which the actual analysis was performed. The report began with a very descriptive and interesting literature review and proceeded into a data analysis section which was just as intriguing. The section explained how the study was conducted using Colaizzi’s method of data analysis. This method included the following steps: written protocols, significant statements, formulated meanings, clusters of themes, exhaustive description, and fundamental structure.

Using this method, when each of the thirty-five internationally recruited women gave their in-depth statements, the researchers cautiously translated it into what they “mean”. This resulted in what are called significant statements. The next step in the process is organizing the information into distinct themes. The results are put into a summarized statement of the topic being studied and shared with the study participants in hopes they will agree that the structure matches their experiences. In this study, the check was done with a single participant who completely agreed with the statements.

From the written pieces of the study participants, 274 significant statements were clustered into four themes and a fundamental statement was established. The significant statements were clustered into four themes: riding the turbulent wave of panic during a pregnancy, strategizing – attempts to reclaim their body and complete the journey to motherhood, bringing reverence to the birthing process and empowering women, and the still elusive – longed-for healing birth experience.

The results of the study included some of the significant statements. These statements were very sensitive in nature and powerful to read. Colaizzi’s method of data analysis was a great choice for this report. By using this approach, they have succeeded at bringing knowledge to the experiences of subsequent pregnancy, labor, and delivery after a woman’s previous traumatic childbirth.


  • Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2014). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 395-402). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Polit, D., & Beck, C. (2014). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (8th ed., pp. 403-412). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.