The prospect of nursing methodologies involves a clear, organized framework of delivering proper health care systems and adequate preparation with the practitioners involved. However, people understand nursing with the practice they know. Nursing as a profession implies the process of protection and promotion of health education and proper care to the human fraternity including the sick, aged, groups and the community as a whole when in need. In general, nursing involves the human act and response of ensuring people improve and maintain their health records and achieving the best quality life different from a life with diseases or disabilities.
The nursing profession involves many assumptions and misconceptions governed by the type of treatment one gets under professional care. A greater population understands healing as the physical aspects of a nurse assisting a doctor to administer medication to a patient. Others understand it as the process of ensuring a clean, comfortable and safe place for the patients in hospitals. However, it is the duty that each professional nurse to provide a proper value of nursing to all beliefs and entities but solely to define the truth about healing through their actions. Theories provide a core awareness in our lives.

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The nursing protocol involves three domains. They include the patients, health and the environment. They refer to the subjects, values and concepts that provide a detailed health program for the population involved. The patient domain relates to the individual or the community that is entitled to receive care or protection. The health field refers to the diagnosis or cause of alarm for a patient that requires attention. However, the health prospect is different as it involves a different need with various persons. For example, one may have a disability requiring attention while someone else may be suffering from an illness requiring medical care. The environment refers to all the general aspects affecting the person requiring attention (Weaver, Kathryn & Olson 463). Each professional nurse needs to understand all the involved concepts to ensure a successful nursing platform.

All the nursing domains depend on each other for the entire promotion of an active and healthy population or community. The areas promote the framework of standards expected from the entire professional practitioners. The nursing personnel must understand an integral part of the patient, their health status and offer the desired environment for the patient involved as everyone has their own uniquely safe environment.

According to Massachusetts Department of Higher Learning, “The Nurse of the Future uses data to monitor the outcomes of care processes, and uses improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare systems” ( Mary 67). Henceforth, as a nurse, the future of the nursing profession requires quality improvement. Moreover, there will be a minimized risk of harm to patients in the health care field through a self-realization program with every nursing practitioner. With the current advancement in technology, the opportunity for nurses advancing in their practice is significant. Nurses will have a proper empowerment program for all communities to promote healthy living.

The nursing department faces a lot of challenges in its daily activities. The health care costs are increasing rapidly due to the introduction of relatively costly machines for diagnosis. With this in the process, the aspect of reducing the number of nurses has resulted in an inadequate nurse to patient ratio which has a direct consequence in patient dissatisfaction (Zaccagnini, Mary, and Kathryn 104). Moreover, the levels of certification with the relevant authorities have been a difficult process to maintain with the increasing responsibilities and technologies that require an equal experience. Bearing in mind personal responsibilities, trying to keep the required practices may be overwhelming.

Owing to the ever developing technology, there is a need to improve individual assessment values. The process of increasing my learning goals and professional services is vital for patient satisfaction. I need to flourish in the practice entities that involve patient trust and collaboration. I need to develop a professional environment with professional people who are ahead in the nursing field. Moreover, I need to develop both short and long-term goals that should not stand between my professional career and my current targets. My job depends on education, skills and life experiences. Therefore, putting all the necessary measures into place, I should also stand a point in being a professional role model by understanding the patients need adequately.

  • De Chesnay, Mary. Caring for the vulnerable: Perspectives in nursing theory, practice, and research. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2005.
  • Weaver, Kathryn, and Joanne K. Olson. “Understanding paradigms used for nursing research.” Journal of advanced nursing 53.4 (2006): 459-469.
  • Zaccagnini, Mary, and Kathryn White. The doctor of nursing practice essentials. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2013.