The excerpt from Mein Kampf illustrates the insight that Hitler has into creating a group or mass psyche. By bringing together the individuals who are suffering in a substandard job with a low wage and who are likely feel that they are the only one in distress creates the unity of empathy, understanding, and a common bond. The individual is not suffering alone any longer there are others who have the same problems and issues. Because the individual is unhappy their self-esteem is low and by gathering the people together it raises their confidence as they realize that they are not alone. It creates a sense of security when an individual no longer feels isolated, that they are part of a larger group with the same troubles and difficulties.
After World War I the economy in Germany was devastated and the people were demoralized. First, the sizeable reparation repayment terms in the Versailles Treaty placed substantial difficulties on their ability to attain economic security. Additionally, the government’s inability to solve this economic problem led to catastrophic hyperinflation in the German economy. People who feel marginalized by the current government, the people who are suffering because of no job, little or no food, and feel national shame are most susceptible to the promise of work, food, and the opportunity to once again feel national pride in their country. Hitler’s hypnotic style of speech and his understanding of the emotional mentality of the German people made them particularly vulnerable to his oratory, and at this time that was the majority of the German people. In his speech, his language immediately created a bond with the use of we. He then uses the expressions you, me, and then our people generating a fellowship within the massive meeting, and ultimately ends his speech with the unified we again.

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