In the two library sources they are considered to be credible for several different reasons. First, they are published, peer-reviewed journal articles found in relevant academic publications. Second, both provide information about childhood poverty from different perspectives that have been heavily researched and peer-reviewed for accuracy and authenticity. Third, the articles are fact-based and not written from the basis of opinion or perspective. Lastly, the articles support the body of existing research on this topic with sound recommendations and rationale for more research that addresses the current policies and practices that have been a benefit and failure to overcoming the challenges associated with childhood poverty.

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The two internet sources were selected based on the following reasons. First, internet websites that end in .org are considered credible and reputable resources for information gathering. Often they are tied to organizations that specialize in the area of interest the websites are speaking to. Second, reputable, credible internet sources tend to keep their statistics updated regularly. Third, they rely on their own research based on their endeavors towards support of their topic as well as consulting with other credible sources to support their facts. Finally, the two internet sources serve as great companions to journal research articles because they give a real-world view from the perspective of the organizations that have a vested interest in the issue of childhood poverty beyond that of journal research that is often peer-reviewed and not experienced firsthand.


  • Effects of Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness on Children and Youth. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2016, from

  • Manny, J. G. (2005). Access to mental health services: The struggle of poverty affected urban children of color. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 22(3-4), 245-256.

  • Sherman, A., & Sandfort, J. (1998). Poor children and poor policy? New research on child poverty: Fighting child poverty in America: How research can help. Contemporary Sociology, 27(6), 555-561.

  • What causes hunger? | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme – Fighting Hunger Worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2016, from