Identifying Signifcant Issues/ProblemsAfter reviewing the TAPR I noted quite a few areas that need improvement and addressing. The primary issue is low test scores as a campus compared to the state level and district level. With common core standards being allocated, the school has to do a better job at performing better on state tests. Reading scores need significant improvement. Since our campus consists of a predominantly Hispanic population, English language fluency is imperative. What this essentially says is that if our students are struggling with reading, there is disconnect in English Language Learning and English as a second Language programs in the school. If students are not meeting ELL and ESL expectations then surely students may not be able to perform well in other subject areas.

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Another problem I have observed after reviewing the report is cumulatively students who exceeded all subjects’ progress is extremely low. Making sure that we have a decent level of students meeting or passing expectations in all subjects is a goal that we need to aim for. The teaching and learning process will need to align with making sure children are receiving a quality experience. Research needs to be explored on other schools with the same demographic makeup and resources to see how they are progressing in different subject areas. Unfortunately there appears to be a school culture here of less than mediocrity. This attitude will need to change. The readings suggest that school culture becomes manifested and that over time problems are left unsolved.

Addressing Significant Issues/Problems
The actions I would take in ensuring that the school starts to see academic achievement would involve being proactive versus reactive. Taking the lead on this as the new principal will be met with challenges. However, I believe in safeguarding quality education for children.

The first action I would take is to conduct formal assessments on teachers. Observing teachers as they teach is a vital part of meeting academic standards. It is important that teachers are meeting the mission of Inner Core Elementary School. If in the assessment high level of teaching is not being met then I will bring in a team of experts to conduct professional development for our teachers. We will develop practices that will align with the mission and state standards. The readings in the course discuss how best practices and keeping up with new ideas can lead to academic progress. One of the suggestions that I would have is building co-teaching relationships. Some research supports the idea of co-teaching and reaching academic achievement.

Another action I would take is auditing the ELL and ESL programs. Since we are dealing with a Hispanic demographic, our students need to be proficient with the English language. After the audit of the programs are conducted, I will review the findings and take the needed actions in making sure our programs are providing a quality of experience of learning to our students. If students are not able to read English fluently then it can have a trickled down impact on all subjects.

Evaluating Your Actions
In evaluating my own actions, I will bring in a team of professionals to assess my leadership as I lead my school through the process of academic change. I will recruit researchers to meet with me in making sure the best practices I employ are of the latest in educational standards.
I will also engage in my own self-reflection. I will give myself three month increments in evaluating my own progress. If I, as the leader am not susceptible to self-reflection then I cannot expect my faculty and staff to be.