Annotated Bibliography

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1.Abel, G. M. (2014). A decade of decriminalization: Sex work ‘down under’ but not
underground. University of Otago, New Zealand Criminal and Criminal Justice, vol. 14(5) 580-592 Retrieved from
In this article, Abel can demonstrate through statistics and a qualitative narrative that decriminalization has had a positive impact on the sex trade industry, and its workers, across New Zealand. Abel not only discusses how it has made the industry safer for those who work in the field, but also she noted it has also given practitioners extended protections that encompass all aspects of their human rights (p. 584). Abel references over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles in her piece, this fact alone provides authenticity to her suggestion that decriminalization, and support of sex workers, has helped to impose a sense of humanity to the field that has been missing. Abel also points out this has not served as an instigation for other countries to follow suit. She believes this is true, in part, because prostitution has such a stigma in other countries that may be much stronger than what is found in New Zealand.
2.Bennetts, L. (2011). The John Next Door.  Newsweek.  Vol. 158 Issue 4, p60-63. 4p. 2.    904d-634b2a2b4e5b%40sessionmgr4009&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=62995314&db=aph Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Web.
The John Next Door is an article discussing the issue of whether decriminalizing prostitution would have any positive effects for sex workers. In this article the perspective is from those men who purchase sex with females, otherwise known as ‘johns’ (Bennetts, 2011). Her approach to the subject provides a genuine, if not raw and gritty, view of the sex trade from a perspective than the other studies, if addressed at all. Bennetts interviews and reports on the differences in the attitudes of men who buy sex, and those who don’t. This article also references the findings of psychologists explaining that it is difficult to make any proclamations – beyond the fact that prostitution, and the purchase of sex by men, is so pervasive, it seems unlikely one could find a man who has not engaged in this behavior at some point.

Bennetts also explains that pornography spawned by the digital age has further broken down the barriers and inhibitions men may have held towards prostitution, and, further sexual violence, and human trafficking. She discusses how sex and pornography are just as addictive as drugs and gambling, and continues to be a growing issue each year. However, she, too, concludes with support for decriminalization, explaining that at the very least it provides better protection for sex workers.
3.Comte, J. (2014). Decriminalization of sex work: Feminist discourses considering
            Research. Sexuality & Culture: 18:196–217 DOI 10.1007/s12119-013-9174-5.
Per researcher Comte, who performed an extensive review of the literature, there are three basic ideological positions regarding prostitution, or, as others refer to it – sex work. They include complete abolishment, a sex-positive attitude, and full decriminalization of the practice (Comte, 2014, p. 197). This article is authoritative, for the fact her study demonstrates a thorough review of the literature, incorporating over one hundred separate publications by esteemed authors. Comte’s analysis reveals there is a faction of the population that eagerly want prostitution brought to an end because it continues to objectify women.

This article explains the abolitionist perspective is one that extends empathy to the sex worker, who should be given the necessary support to leave the trade, and, further, those who choose to frequent the services of sex workers should be held criminally liable instead (Comte, 2014, p. 198). Comte also iterates the attitudes of those who favor decriminalization, describing their stance as one that acknowledges there are negative aspects of the trade, but such is true in any business (Comte, 2014, p. 203). In the end, Comte, like the other authors who appear in this annotated bibliography, supports decriminalization. It is foolhardy to believe the clock will ever be able to be turned back on sex work to a time when mere shaming could curb its practice. Rather, it is more realistic to decriminalize it and approach remedies from the social perspective.

4.Osmanaj, E. (2014). The Impact of Legalized Prostitution on Human Trafficking.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 103. ISSN 2281-4612. Retrieved from
This article discusses the subject of decriminalizing prostitution is one that attempts to draw a connection between prostitution and human trafficking. According to researcher Osmanaj, human trafficking is less risky than other forms of illegal sales – such as drugs and guns – to the point it has become a full-blown global business (Osmanaj, 2014, p. 103). Osmanaj set out to determine the impact of the legalization of prostitution on human trafficking, increased illegal prostitution, or the expansion of legalized prostitution. Certainly, Osmanaj offers, one aim of legalizing prostitution was to reduce human trafficking. All indications are that it has been an abject failure as a deterrent, and has not improved the protection or rights of women across the globe. She also addresses pornography through the Internet has exploded and continues to spread to many forms of media. Even so, the writer, too, supports, decriminalization – with better protection efforts.