The top five hybrid cars by popular choice in the United States include: the 2015 Honda Accord Hybrid, 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid, 2015 Toyota Avalon Hybrid, the Ford C Max Hybrid and the 2015 Toyota Prius. Each of these vehicles provides a more efficient and environmentally friendly means of private transport across the United States but do consist of a number of disadvantages and advantages in relation to their levels of efficiency, practicality, comfort, price range and affordability (German, 2015).

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The 2015 Toyota Prius Hybrid is the least preferred from the top five hybrid cars in the United States mainly due to its lack of power and durability. Its four-cylinder engine combined with lack of power in its engines and electrical function limits its longevity and ability to be driven in a number of different environments. Furthermore, its interior and exterior materials are basic and limited in their design and ability to prevent car crashes and damage incurred from such crashes. However with respect to its advantages, it is very affordable and highly fuel-efficient with its heavy reliance on electricity, simplicity in steering and control and sufficient room and space for large and small families (U.S. News, 2015). It is a family car that provides city-based individuals and families with a convenient means of travelling short distances. For longer distances in differing environments with harder or more challenging terrains, it is not a suitable vehicle and lacks sufficient power. Its impact on the environment is minimal as a result of its efficient power source and exceptionally impressive fuel economy (Gorzelany, 2012).

The second car, the Ford C-Max Hybrid is, in contrast to the Toyota Prius, more powerful and capable of achieving higher speeds and with greater force in the case of collisions and when travelling through tougher and more challenging terrain. Its price is less affordable in comparison to the Prius however it offers more power, a stronger engine and electrical system and the ability to change gears and utilize four wheel drive controls, very uncommon in hybrid cars. It does however lack sufficient space particularly for larger families and for the storage of goods and supplies. Additionally, it is not as environmentally friendly as the Toyota Prius and requires more electricity and fuel to operate throughout longer distances and in different environments and terrain (Gerstenfeld, 2010). The Ford C-Max typically sells for over $30,000 USD and therefore, falls out of the price range for average families, when considering the current economy of the United States (U.S. News, 2015).

The third vehicle, the Toyota Avalon Hybrid provides a more expensive option for families however offers an extensive range of internal and external features that make it more comfortable and also powerful. Its engine and electricity power is exceptional particularly for a hybrid car and its room and space is expansive. It is a sedan and is highly reliable and safe particularly in its handling and steering at high speeds. Its disadvantages focus on its lack of environmental control and focus (German, 2015). Its high reliance on engine power and poor fuel economy reduces its environmental reliability and this is combined with its strained engine noises and lack of overall stability in its structure and engine power. As a result, this car is not the most popular Hybrid option but for more wealthy classes, it is highly suitable and should be considered as a viable option in the future.

The fourth vehicle, the Toyota Camry Hybrid is a more affordable alternative to the Toyota Avalon as previously mentioned and these Hybrid options are attempting to mirror the normal, Toyota series of cars provided by the manufacturer (Bunkley, 2012). The main advantages associated with this hybrid include its affordability with a price range of between $20,000 to $25,000 in comparison to the Toyota Avalon model at just over $30,000. It is just as powerful as the Avalon and spacious. It also provides more engine and electrical power than the other hybrid models such as the prius and Ford C-Max. It can provide the driver and their family with a very safe and comfortable ride and this is what has made it so popular (German, 2015). The ability to provide families with a highly reliable drive in a number of different environments Its associated disadvantages focus on instability issues in relation to its engine power, lack of fuel economy and its poor environmental focus. Despite being a Hybrid vehicle, it still manages to generate extensive pollution, almost comparable to vehicles that solely operate on gasoline (Bunkley, 2012).

The fifth vehicle being studied in this paper is the 2015 Honda Accord Hybrid and it is the most popular hybrid vehicle across the United States and in many other nations namely in Asia and Oceania. The Honda Accord Hybrid is the definitive family car despite its reliance on electricity rather than fuel to operate (Bunkley, 2012). It has a limited number of disadvantages and exceptional fuel economy combined with power, comfort, size and space for both large and small families. It is very safe and reliable and can be trusted in a number of different terrains and environments. Furthermore, it has an extensive period of longevity and can be trusted to provide families and also individuals with a luxurious yet simplified driving experience in the 21st century. Its most significant advantage is its high environmental consideration with respect to its fuel economy and efficiency (Gerstenfeld, 2010).

The car that would be most suitable for myself and my family is as recently described, the 2015 Honda Accord Hybrid. The most significant feature of this vehicle in my personal view is its high safety level and fuel efficiency. It acts like a normal family vehicle and yet provides a high class of efficiency, stability and also power. It is also suitable for transporting large numbers of passengers across a multitude of different environments (Gorzelany, 2012). For example, its engine power and durability allows it to venture through rugged terrain and off road, making it suitable for family vacations. The other hybrid cars lack one of these essential features and are also not as affordable and comforting for individuals with families.

The vehicles will have a significant impact on the economy and environment of the United States. They will assist in promoting healthier living conditions within the United States but may reduce the impact of larger oil companies that positively boost the American economy (Marchetti, 2013). Consumer buying and sustainability will indefinitely improve as a result of these hybrid cars as they provide a more affordable buying option and also highlight the fact that car companies are starting to consider the environment and also the well being of their customers and the American public overall. Such factors and issues as fuel efficiency, economy and recycling will be promoted through a more extensive focus on the environment through Hybrid cars. For example, the majority of hybrid cars operate from either electricity or materials that can be constantly recycled rather than offloaded as pollution into the atmosphere (German, 2015).

The hybrid technology will positively influence world politics and hopefully inspire a greater emphasis on the environment, which is currently degrading and causing extensive issues for major cities and nations (Bunkley, 2012). For example, across Asia, photochemical smog is having severe altercations for the health of respective populations and the ability of the natural environment to sustain increasing and expanding populations. However there may be some tension between nations with respect to the significance of large oil companies particularly if large automobile companies are relying more so on other forms of energy, which are more beneficial to the overall environment (German, 2015).

In conclusion, this paper has effectively highlighted the positive influence of hybrid cars on world economies and the ability of nations to improve the current state of the environment. Hybrid cars offer clients and customers with an alternative and highly efficient form of transportation that is also affordable and actively improve the state of the environment. Hybrid cars will continue to improve in their popularity and influence throughout the United States and will become more efficient and effective in their usability and overall effectiveness.

  • Bunkley, N. (2012). Payoff for Efficient Cars Takes Years. The New York Times, Retrieved
    from Accessed on 17th September 2015.
  • German, J. (2015). Hybrid Vehicles – Technology Development and Cost Reduction.
    International Council on Clean Transportation, Retrieved from Accessed on 17th September 2015.
  • Gerstenfeld, A. (2010). Environmental and Social Issues Concerned with Hybrid Cars.
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute – Hybrid 2009/10, Retrieved from
    132039/unrestricted/Environmental_and_Social_Issues_Concerned_with_Hybrid_Cars.pdf Accessed on 17th September 2015.
  • Gorzelany, J. (2012). The Most Cost-Effective Hybrid Cars. Forbes Magazine, Retrieved from Accessed on 17th September 2015.
  • Marchetti, N. (2013). Number of Cost Effective Hybrid Vehicles Growing. EarthTechling,
    Retrieved from Accessed on 17th September 2015.
  • U.S. News. (2015). Best Cars. World Report, Retrieved from Accessed
    on 17th September 2015.