In the area of early childhood education, I have played many different roles. First, as each of you, I played the role of a child. However, I played this role as a child who had been diagnosed with ADHD during a time that such a diagnosis would indicate that my early education would be synonymous with the entirety of my education (Smith, et al., 2015). Fortunately, through research and medical advancements, this is no longer the socially derived implications of this disorder, and I went on to play the role of a student in higher education where I received a Bachelor degree of Child, Adult and Family Service. During my college years, I have learned different approaches when it comes to work with children to help them achieve personal goals in early lives.
At this time, I am playing additional roles as an educator, a volunteer, and a parent. I am an infant teacher in Bright Horizons where I work with children under 18 months to help them to achieve fully potential in their early development. As a teacher, I create daily activities through a combination of structured and unstructured activities to help children learn in their own pace. I help our center to create an environment allowing children to incorporate their natural curiosity of play, develop their social emotional skills and also practice their language skills. I have been volunteering with Raising Readers. We help children read, provide them with age-appropriate early literacies and engage them in a friendly reading environment. As volunteers, we help stimulate children’s development and set the foundation for learning and languages. During the meantime, I am also a member of the Panda Helps Organization in China. We help to raise money to help the children in need. As a parent, I believe that these elements of early education are critical and that the amount of available research and resources must be greatly expanded so that my own child, along with the entirety of the future generations, can reap the benefits of our dedication to early childhood education.

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For as much as I love teaching and being a part of numerous organizations that are working towards my own goals, I feel that I could offer much more to this field of study by operating my own facility where I will be able to incorporate the evidence based practices of improving early childhood education and continuing to push the restraints that have been placed on children who, like myself, struggle from socially constructed limitations due to misconceptions and a lack of sufficient research. Not only do I feel that I will be able to improve the conditions of early childhood, I also aim to improve the conditions of the social responsibility of such facilities to the overall community and the future generations. However, in order to ensure that these practices are properly implemented and that I am able to make such decisions in regards to the social responsibility of a facility, I need to gain the knowledge as a leader in the field of business alongside my degree in Child, Adult and Family Service.

This brings me to this new, anticipated role as a student in your MBA program where I anticipate gaining the business education that will help to realize this goal. My strong work ethic, personal ability to overcome struggles, and dedication to this goal will help me to succeed at your institution and into the future. As your institution is as passionate about education as I am, I am certain that our relationship will be one of mutual benefit and long term collaboration as we move early childhood education into the future.

  • Smith, E., Koerting, J., Latter, S., Knowles, M. M., McCann, D. C., Thompson, M., & Sonuga‐Barke, E. J. (2015). Overcoming barriers to effective early parenting interventions for attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): parent and practitioner views. Child: care, health and development, 41(1), 93-102.