I am a college senior majoring in business. I have had various experiences growing up including taking part in various sporting events. Besides that, I love Lake ventures and have been made some visits to Lake Cumberland with friends and families a couple of times. I am also happy to have lived in various places in the US including Georgia, Kentucky, and Florida. My family and I are in excellent terms, and we love each other. Nonetheless, I will be graduating next year with a degree in risk management insurance a course that I am pursuing for the sake of getting a degree rather than pursuing my passion.
Consequently, I had all my passion culminated in arts and humanities from as early as during my high school days. However, with the current situation in the country where all focus has been redirected at courses that are associated with science, technology, engineering and consequently math, I do not think I have any choice. However, in the article titled “STEM vs. the humanities. One, the other, a combination? Students discuss” by Swartz Jonathan; I have every reason to believe that all is not done with humanity and art courses (Swartz, 2014). The article kept me going in my educational course because it intensified my perceptions about the first passion that in had about what I wanted in life.

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As President Obama puts it in the article, it is evidently apparent that the United States has to focus on courses that can create opportunities and even assist the country in achieving economic sustainability (Swartz, 2014). As if not enough, I also love the way some of the engineers that have been mentioned in the article argue. Tsvi Tannin, for example, states that as far as humanity and arts courses are important in our academic growth, they cannot be used for innovation purposes. Thus, whether one apprehends humanities and arts or not, there is no way they can be better than their counterparts who are empowered to utilize their engineering expertise to solve problems.

In that regard, I am imperatively sure that my educational history has been an interesting one. I love my country and have always aspired to be a part of the solution that the country is struggling to achieve. That is the primary reason as to why I decided to pursue a degree in risk management insurance in the first case. I solemnly understand that as far as the United States citizens would be venturing into various economic sectors and earning their livings, it is equally important that they are advised of the risks that are associated with their undertakings (Swartz, 2014).

The 2008 economic depression has been a remarkable experience that has been motivating me in my business venture. The recession saw significant world economies beings shaken thus affecting the socio-economic situations of entirely the whole world. In that regard, I am inspired to use my educational experience and technical expertise to play my role and consequently, guarantee the US citizens that a repeat of the same would not be experienced into the future. Whereas other students held a high degree of negativity about errors and mistakes, I held different perceptions about them. I understood that as long as mistakes that we make do not take our lives, it makes us stronger and more determined to work for our aspirations (Swartz, 2014).

Thus, despite the fact that I was compelled to pursue a course that I never loved, I am pretty sure that I would still achieve I want in life. Swartz Jonathan made it clear that as far as we have to solve our economic problems and consequently create a sustainable world, humanity and arts can still assist us into that (Swartz, 2014). Whereas we can utilize STEM to create opportunities and make our lives better, we still need our history to attain perfection in our undertakings. More specifically, it is through humanities that we will be able to relate our past experiences with the future. Our current lives reflect the better versions of our pasts. However, we still need a detailed description of the past occurrences for us to come up with a better mindset for solving issues that affect us. Apparently, we cannot attain that without humanities.

Thus, despite the fact that people are focusing on STEM Swartz Jonathan has always been inspirational in my academic course. By linking various researchers and even successful engineers and mathematicians perceptions about humanities and arts, Swartz documents that we still need humanity. Perhaps, humanity cannot be used to address the challenges that we face as the American people. Instead, it can make us communicate the solutions that we have with others and end up making the world a better place. Moreover, humanities are essential in as far as creating healthy human relation is concerned. Despite the fact that science has been accredited for solving issues that people face, humanity is equally crucial in teaching them on how to live and relate well with each other (Swartz, 2014).

Swartz’s article made me understand that as far as we should focus on addressing world concerns and issues, we should not forget that we are humans. Apparently, humanity is the best tool that could be used to teach us to become people. In addition to that, humanity helps us with our cognitive abilities regarding particular issues that affect us. From the article, it is evidently clear that we as far as we may dedicate our times in laboratories and writing reports, we will still be required to communicate our findings to our counterparts. Thus, taking humanity seriously is the best rationale for ensuring that we achieve the best on that front (Swartz, 2014).

Throughout my academic course, I have always aspired to use my intellectual ability to create a sense of balance in my life. Thus, the fact that I love my family, culture and even travels means that I need humanity and arts. In that regard, I am consequently willing to take time into the future to attend to humanity sessions. I am happy that despite the fact that a majority of students in the US prefer to pursue courses that are related to STEM, the future holds for humanity and arts. In fact, Swartz makes it clear that some higher learning institutions in the country have been organizing conferences and meetings to discuss the role of humanity. Consequently, it is through the meetings that prominent people who ventured in various STEM fields can share their success stories mentioning humanity in due course (Swartz, 2014).

Thus, in conclusion, my education path has been relatively mixed up but equally enjoyable. Right now I am focused on completing my degree course and consequently give back to the society. Bearing in mind that the world has changed, it is important that we accept the proposed solutions to ensure that we stay on track. Hence, the fact that the United States government asserts that we redirect our efforts of fields that are interlinked to STEM, we should be open to embracing the intervention. However, we should also ensure that we accord humanity the same focus because, at the end of the day, it is the only tool that we can use to trace our histories (Swartz, 2014).

  • Swartz, Jonathan. STEM vs. the humanities. One, the other, a combination? Students discuss. (2014). Available at http://college.usatoday.com/2014/05/13/stem-vs-the-humanities-one-the-other-a-combination-students-discuss/