The fast food restaurant is one of the most reputable organizations. It is populated with several clients. This is because research reveals that most people prefer fast food. Hence, such an organization consists of several employees. These employees are responsible for various duties and responsibilities. These include serving of the customers, preparation of food, cleaning and another task. Thus, as the name suggests “fast food,” everything is done rapidly. As a result, of the swift movement of employees cases of accidents are rampant. One of the most notable accident occurred as revealed in the case study is when an employee slipped. This led to the employee breaking the hand. This is a challenge to the organization. However, this is not the only problem. There are other various problems that can occur in the organization (Wagen & Davies, 1998). All these challenges call for the management’s problem-solving techniques. Hence, the paper analyzes the problem-solving skills used by the management and their suitability for the particular situation.
One of the most notable problem-solving skills used by the organization is disaster preparedness. The Environmental Health Officer (EHO) revealed that the organization had good safety standards. This is a clear indication that the management had put in place the right procedures and mechanisms to ensure that accidents are prevented. Disaster preparedness plays a vital role in solving most of the problems that are rampant in the organization. One way in which this preparedness is shown is where the management had already replaced part of the floor. The only remaining slippery section was the server. This means that the management had an awareness of the possible accidents that can occur. In brief, this approach was not very suitable. The organization should have ensured that the entire slippery floor is replaced. The main emphasis should have been laid on the servery where it is always busy.
Similarly, the management is reported to have conducted well training of the employees. This is one of the most applied problem-solving techniques used by the organization. Training the employee plays a crucial role in ensuring that accidents and other mistakes are prevented. However, this technique was not fully suitable. The training of employees should have been regularly conducted conducted. This would have gone a long way in prevention of accidents and related occurrences. Another problem-solving technique used by the restaurant is a determination of the causes of the problem. The case study reveals that the organization kept documents and records of the previous incidences. This goes a long way in keeping a track of issues that can lead to problems in the organization.
On the other hand, the invitation of the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) played a crucial role in solving most of the problems in the organization. The EHO assessed the safety standards in the organization. Then complimented the management on the various progress they had made concerning prevention of accidents. Similarly, the officer went ahead to recommend other ways of solving problems in the organization. It is clear that the officer recommended the management to replace the slippery floor. Despite the advice, the management implanted the use of the anti-slip shoe. However, this technique did not yield the expected success in reduction of accidents. This is because the young employees found it as old fashioned. On the positive note, the management adopted the EHO’s recommendation. They realized that this was the best option that could yield the best results. Consulting the environmental officer was the best technique for the organization (Miller at el., 2007). The implementation of the suggestion made by EHO went a long way in reduction of slip accidents by seventy percent.
Negative impacts of different stages on staff morale
The first stage of the problem-solving techniques used by involved management identification of the problem. The EHO revealed that the safety standards were not up to the standards. The fact that the organization went ahead to invite the EHO is of a substantial boost to the employee morale. This was a great show that the management valued their employees. Furthermore, the documents and records kept had a lot of meaning to the organization. The cases of accidents that had occurred earlier before aided the EHO in devising the best solution to the problem. Thus, the visitation of the EHO to the organization fostered a good relationship between the management and the employees.
On the contrary, there is one instance where the organization lowered the staff morale. The EHO recommended that the slippery floor is replaced. This was done after keen analysis of the records of slip accidents. Again, the EHO had observed the employees working on the servery. However, the management went ahead to implement their solution. This was the use of anti-slip shoes. The management considered this method as the easiest and cheapest. However, it greatly impaired the relationship between the management and the employees. In addition to the above, it led to the reduction of the employee morale. The main reason for the negative effect on employee morale was because the young employees considered this as old fashioned. A good fit size was difficult to achieve. This increased the tripping problems for the young employees. This trial therefore negatively affected the young employees. Their motivation to work was greatly affected. It is a fact that when an employee is not inspired, the level of performance decreases substantially (Wagen & Davies, 1998).
Another instance in which employee morale was negatively affected is during the implementation of the EHO’s suggestion. The management opted for the anti-slip shoes regardless of the EHO’s recommendation. The recommendation insisted that the slippery flow is replaced with immediacy. However, the management did not respect this suggestion. This can be interpreted to mean that the management did not value the safety standards of the employees. They only considered the cost-effectiveness of the implementation. They opted for a short-term solution rather than the long term solution. This is greatly impacted on the employee morale. The employees may have taken this as that their safety standards are not valued.
The last stage implemented by the owners was to replace the slippery floors in the working environment. However, one way in which this could have been addressed is to implement it immediately. Implementing of the recommendation immediately could have gone a long way in ensuring that the staff morale is boosted. Issues such as impairment of relationship between the management and the employees could have been settled (Miller at el., 2007). This could have gone a long way in ensuring that the working environment is safe and conducive. As a result, the general performance of the employees could have been fostered.
Finally, the management should have involved the employees in the decision-making process. They should have involved them in searching for the best solution to be implemented. For instance, the owners should have informed the employees of the plans they are planning to implement. The young employees could have argued their grievance concerning the fitness of the anti-slip shoes. Moreover, the employees could have suggested better ways of solving the slip accident issue in the restaurant. Thus, it could have gone a long way in boosting employee motivation at work.
Recommendation to management team on improving decision-making process
Decisions play a crucial role in the success of any organization. No organization can achieve success without cutting edge decision-making processes. Thus, it is the role of the management team to ensure that they make the best decisions. One way is which the management can improve the decision making is to look at the problem objectively and in various perspectives (Miller at el., 2007). If the management of the fast food restaurant could have used this approach, the issue of accidents could be long forgotten. They need to be objective and view issues in various perspectives. For instance, they should have analyzed the impact of the slip accidents. It can lead to damage to property, injury of employee and even strikes. Thus, they need to look at issues objectively and in diverse perspectives.
Secondly, the management team needs to focus on key decisions. Issues affect the safety standards of the work environment should be prioritized. Hence, it is the responsibility of the management to prioritize on the decisions to be made. The priority list should commence with the most serious issues. Thus, the organization focuses on the key decisions. This will lead to the faster allocation of resources and implementation. For instance, replacing the slippery floor should have been a priority decision. This issue could have long been addressed. Issues such as impairment of relationship between employees and the management team could have been prevented.
Similarly, the management should involve the employees in decision-making process. It is imperative that the organization involve the employee on key issues that affects them. This will be phenomenal in ensuring that quality decisions are made. For instance, if the employees involved the young employee could have rejected the anti-slip shoes. This is because to them they are old fashioned and unfit. Thus, the organization should learn always to involve the employees when making key decisions. This goes an extra mile in guaranteeing quality decisions and employee satisfaction at the workplace.
On the other hand, the management team can improve decision making by scoring the organization. Here, the organization scores or rates itself on various issues concerning decision making. Some of the issues to be rated includes how good the organization is in making decisions, strengths, and hang-ups to better decision making. Such a rating mechanism plays a vital role in ensuring that the decision-making process is improved. The organization keeps up on the strengths. On the contrary, issues that contribute to the weaknesses are corrected. Again, the employees can be involved in such a rating process. This goes a long way in the correction of the organization weaknesses and hag-ups (Miller at el., 2007).
To conclude, there is a substantial need for the management team ensures that the decisions made work. One way of doing this is making a clarification. The management team needs to be very conversant with the decision they are making. This should occur before implementation. For stance, the management should have assessed the impact of implementing the slip resistant shoes in the workplace. Hence, it is paramount that clarification on the decision being framed is made to ensure success. Moreover, it is imperative for each player in the decision be determined. The role played by management, employees and stakeholders such as EHO should be made clear. This will ensure that the decision made serves the right purpose meant effectively. Finally, the management team needs to set strict deadlines and schedules of major decisions. This goes a long way in ensuring that decisions are fooled by rapid actions. As a result, issues such as employee morale and safety standards in the organizations are enhanced.
- Miller, J, Walker, J & Eich Drummond, K (2007) Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons.
- Van der Wagen, L., & Davies, C. (1998). Supervision and leadership in tourism and hospitality. Cengage Learning EMEA.