Kuwait has undergone a radical transformation in the past decades, demonstrating itself to be a progressive, innovative and attractive country to the rest of the world. Largely on the basis of the economic value of natural resources such as oil, and under astute leadership, Kuwait has wisely employed its God-given natural wealth and the demands of the free market, so as to revise and re-invigorate its infrastructure, creating a truly modern political entity. At the same time, such innovation spurred by economic gains has not meant that Kuwait has not changed in fundamental social ways. For example, the status of women has altered, women now playing a more active role in the economics of Kuwaiti life, such as in the job place. Traditional occupations, such as fishing, have now also been reduced, as the wealth of the country has been spread so as to alleviate the burdens of working people. Kuwait, in other words, is a true modern success story.
Traditionally, the role of women in Kuwaiti society was largely confined to the domestic spaces. Kuwaiti played, obviously, an important role in traditional Kuwaiti society, since it can be agreed that the family is the bedrock of all societies. Taking case of a household is an honorable task, and running a good household has enormous social benefits. However, Kuwaiti women have taken their skills in the domestic space in the last decades to the workforce and the economy. Whereas in the past, women largely did not work and concerned themselves with child rearing duties, a new generation of Kuwaiti women has entered the workforce with zeal and gusto. They have positively impacted the economy, bringing new perspectives to this emerging society.

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One of the most striking changes in Kuwait has been the radical changes in infrastructure. A clear and obvious example of such changes is, in particular, the Kuwaiti architecture. Following a pattern of other Gulf states, such as Dubai, Kuwait has seen a transition away from traditional abodes and dwelling spaces to massive metropolitan like structures, which are competitive with the most highly sophisticated urban environments in the world. The Kuwait Towers, although now almost forty years old, are still considered to be symbols of this new modern and dynamic Kuwait. The vivid architecture of the new Kuwait shows its progressive thinking, but at the same time, as with the aforementioned towers, one can still see the imprint of traditional Islamic culture and its beautiful aesthetics on the modern Kuwaiti cityscape. Modern urbanization, in short, has been achieved on the basis of a modern concept of architecture, but one that remains tasteful and respectful of the past.

Certainly, such modern changes have also been made possible not only by intelligent management and organization, but has been fueled by fuel, to incorporate a pun. The natural resources of Kuwait allow for innovation and modernization. However, an often overlooked facet of this boom is that many of the traditional occupations, which were demanding, such as fishing, have no longer become central to the life of Kuwaitis. This means that these classes have a less demanding life, have become wealthier because of intelligent policy, and have more time so as to dedicate themselves to leisure. In Kuwait, therefore, is a clear case of some of the class divisions which have plagued many societies gradually becoming alleviated through the intelligent and humane allocation of natural resources and wealth to the general populace.

A known British philosopher in the social sciences recently remarked on the radio that in the sixty or so years of his life on this planet, not much has gone right. He mentioned China as one success story, but perhaps he forgot to think about the Gulf states, and in particular Kuwait. Natural wealth has allowed for a more integrative society, incorporating women, the renovation of infrastructure and the creation of a new architecture, and an alleviation of problems such as the plight of working classes. The lifestyle in modern Kuwait is thus an example of precisely such a success story.