When it comes to teaching children how to communicate effectively and clearly, there are a number of things parents can do. Parents must be able to create a language-rich environment for children, so that their children can learn the necessary skills. There are several methods and ways in which parents can teach their children how to communicate clearly and effectively.
Perhaps the most important thing a parent can begin with to teach their children proper communication, is the creation of a language-rich environment: a not so simple task. Children are immensely advantaged when they have a language rich environment from which they can absorb information (Seefeldt, 1). This richness is directly connected to the home environment in which the child is exposed to, thereby influencing the child’s language and skills in literacy. In addition, schools are another driving force behind effective communication.

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Also, parents must create an environment of safety in which children are able to express themselves without inhibition. Learning effective communication for children takes both time and much practice. Children must know whilst learning that they are valued and their efforts appreciated (Seefeldt, 1). They must feel that they will not be criticized for their efforts, and feel a sense of security with their parents when trying to communicate.

Parents have the ability to build the security and safety for their children if they demonstrate appreciation and patience with their child. Children will never learn if they are simply criticized for trying. Grammar is often a struggle for parents to teach their children. However, children learn the correct rules of grammar simply by hearing others use it correctly. Even if a child does not learn the grammar correctly straight away, using grammar correctly as a parent will demonstrate to children how it is used properly. Positive reinforcement is always beneficial (Wilczynski, 1).

Validating the emotions in children is also advantageous when teaching children how to communicate effectively. Children will often become frustrated or angry when they are unable to clearly articulate their emotions. It is important for parents to recognize what emotions their child is feeling, and then acknowledge those feelings verbally, without humiliation. For example, listing emotions and explaining them to children may help them to feel understood. In addition, they will be able to effectively communicate to parents what they are feeling the next time they are frustrated or angry (Seefeldt, 1). By reinforcing this communicative behavior, while also providing comfort, the child will be able to learn how to speak more effectively, while also knowing their feelings have been acknowledged.

Additionally, when parents are communicating with their children, they should make direct eye contact, as this is a skill their children will need to speak honestly (Neitlich, 1). Looking directly at another whilst speaking to them tells the other one are interested and respectful. By demonstrating this skill to children, they will learn how to incorporate eye contact into their regular conversation (Neitlich, 1).

Parents can also make sure that their children’s physical environment is conducive to learning language skills. For example, a number of toys are created for the sole purpose of aiding children in learning language skills. Parents that can incorporate tools for learning in music and language areas, which will be able to provide additional sources in which their children can learn from (Seefeldt, 1).

Communication skills always require a component of social skills. For example, children must interact with other children or adults who they are talking with, which requires a degree of understanding others when communicating. Children must also know how to approach verbal conflicts if they wish to form successful relationships with others. In addition, effective communication allows children to both enter and leave groups of children playing, allowing them to conduct conversation easily with adults, children, and their peers (Wilczynski, 1).

Other things the parents should focus on are taking turns in conversation with the children. This involves the parents teaching children how to read signals in conversation by showing them when they talk to their children. Communication is based on the art of giving and taking, and timing is quite significant. For example, if one takes too much time to respond to another, one may miss their opportunity to communicate what they are feeling or what their answer is. However, if one does not wait long enough, one will cut off the speaker and this may lead to hurt feelings. For this reason, using signals is essential in teaching children how to communicate properly.

Children must learn how to judge their turn taking in conversation. Using nonverbal signals, facial expressions, or voice changes can help children learn how to incorporate these signals into their everyday conversation. Parents can emphasize several of these signals in conversation so that their children can model the same patterns and thus learn how to read and use signals (Seefeldt, 1). Over time, the incorporation of these signals will help children to gauge conversations well, know when to interject, when to wait, and how to judge the tone of a conversation. In addition, this will also aid in learning how to communicate with people of different statures, such as teachers compared to peers.

The communication skills children develop in early childhood are the foundation for later, more complex forms of communication, which are critical to successful communication. With a few methods, along with patience, parents can aid in teaching their children how to be successful communicators. This will set the stage for later communication development, as well as development in social skills.

    Works Cited
  • Neitlich, Elena. “Six Communication Skills Every Child Should Know.” 2014. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
  • Seefeldt, Carol. “Helping Children Communicate.” Scholastic Teachers. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2015. .
  • Wilczynski, Edward. “Teaching Basic Communication Skills.” SEEN Magazine. 2009. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.