The science of the universe is a broad and encompassing topic; in a manner all knowledge is contained in the science of the universe. However, for the purposes of this essay, the science of the universe will be limited to a physical explanation our universe. This science involves a crossover with theology and philosophy, for a root of the question is: How did the universe come to exist? The science of the universe has evolved throughout time. Technology has aided the study, for in order to have a science of the universe we needed to be able to access it. Through telescopes and space travel, we have succeeded in accessing the universe in order to produce a scientific study of it.

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The realms of receding galaxies are involved in the science of the universe. We recognize that our galaxy is one of millions, and that the universe is comprised of galaxies which are moving away from each other. The ideas of space and time are the realm of physics. This is one of the most intriguing aspects of the study of the science of the universe. There are physical laws, such as entropy, which might explain the receding galaxies. However, there are physical laws that defy our normal abilities of comprehension. Astrophysicists are the most complex of all physicists. Cosmic redshifts are also a part of the science of the universe. An astrophysicist could explain how it is that cosmic redshifts are relative when studied by a black hole. The study of the science of the universe is strange and incomprehensible.

The expansion of the universe is another realm of study for the science of the universe. As the galaxies recede, the universe is expanding. Edwin Hubble made the observation that there were receding galaxies in 1929. This is how the Hubble Space telescope derived its name. a question that astrophysicists might understand, which evade our normal thought, is how can the universe expand? If it is getting larger, than it is imposing itself on space that is of something other than itself? Where is the room for expansion? These are the types of questions that the science of the universe involves.

One of the most prominent and well-grounded theories in the study of the science of the universe is the study of black holes. Black holes can be as small as one atom. The existence of black holes has been well-documented; however, is this a possible explanation for the beginning of the universe? This is one possible explanation for the beginning of the Universe. There are theories that black holes are forever expanding and constricting; thus, the universe is literally reborn of itself over and over again. The Black hole theory is the most prominent theory in the science of the universe. The black hole is a gravitational pull that is so strong, stronger than any gravitational pull in the universe, that even light cannot escape. This is how the term “black hole” was derived. The reason that the gravitational pull is so strong is because the black hole is dense. The matter that the black hole contains has been compressed to be so dense that the gravity is stronger than any other port in the universe.

Copernicus is probably heralded as the first scientist to have scientific knowledge of the universe. Since him, many notables have contributed. Hubble, as discussed above, discovered that the universe was expanding. Halley, discovered the recurrent Halley’s Comet. Bode figured out a mathematical equation to factor out relationships to the sun, known as Bode’s Law. However, even with all of our knowledge about the science of the universe, many mysteries remain.