Cannabis is one of the most illegal used substances in many countries across the world (Minnes, Lang & Singer, (2011). The use of cannabis is linked to psychosis and a wide range of subclinical psychiatric symptoms, but the strength is determined by dosage and age during the first use (Minnes et al., 2008). Thus, it is critical for nursing practice to understand the association between the two.
The findings from Schubart and colleagues (2011) are vital to the nursing practice because the nurses are able to understand the vulnerability of a maturing brain to the effects of exo-cannabinoids, especially during the early puberty. It is also vital to get some insights with regard to the developmental stages of the brain and how Cannabis can affect it at each phase. These findings are supported by van Dijk, Koeter, Hijman, Kahn, and Van Den Brink (2012), who reveal that the use of cannabis is associated with an early age, especially in patients suffering from schizophrenia. The utilization of cannabis is connected to the adverse effects of the causes of the illness with more frequent relapses and the eventual hospitalization as authors contend (van Dijk et al., 2012). The findings are crucial to the nursing practice for the reason that nurses are able to train patients with schizophrenia about their effects and the importance of avoiding their usage (van Dijk et al., 2012). The nurses are also able to guide and counsel patients with the aim of helping them to advocate the stop of their usage (van Dijk et al., 2012). According to the works of Veling, Mackenbach, Van Os and Hoek (2008), the association between cannabis use and genetic predisposition for schizophrenia is attributed to the interactions between genetic factors and cannabis (Veling et al., 2008). In this view, this knowledge is critical to the nursing practice because nurses are able to handle cases that are associated with cannabis. In addition, nurses are able to offer the relevant information regarding the mental health disorders. As a result, the number of patients suffering from the mental disorders, which has resulted from the use of cannabis, will reduce. Evidently, there is a need for more attention to focus on the use of cannabis at early stages because most patients begin to use them when they are young. In doing so, the nurses will be controlling its usage. The knowledge that is obtained from the findings is essential in helping the nursing practice to disseminate the right information to the patients because patients’ education is key to improving their condition.

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It is critical to underscore that mental health evidence-based outcomes are imperative to the nursing practice. This is because they help the nurses to reduce the cases of deaths that are associated with the use of cannabis. According to the works of Mitchell and Kakkadasam (2011), amount of cannabis used is associated with positive, negative, and/or depressive symptoms, implying that nurses should acquire in-depth knowledge concerning the symptoms that are related to its utilization to educate patients. This will help them to promote healthy living among people, leading to a reduction in the number of deaths (Mitchell & Kakkadasam, 2011). Integrating the outcomes of the analysis is important for the reason that the nursing practitioners are able to get better insights regarding the topic under discussion. In this context, the correct education will be provided to the patients. Understanding the link between the use of cannabis and the mental health conditions is vital to the nursing practice because information will be relatively useful to help in discouraging the utilization of the cannabis by the young for the reason that they are associated with mental disorders. Thus, is a risk factor for mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, which may be explained using genotypic-environment interaction. Therefore, it is Imperative for the nursing practice to understand the depth of the association between the variables.