In today’s society technology is evolving and providing users with even more methods to entertain and simplify their lives. With children owning cellphones, game systems, televisions and many other forms of technology, there has become growing concerns regarding the negative effect on children. Both sides of the arguments will be analyzed and supported with scholarly studies to establish a position on the topic. Technology provides children with new advancements in learning and does not pose a significant harm to their overall development and well-being.

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The Opposition
The opposition argues that “children using technology are becoming socially stunted, ungrateful, and ridden with health related issues” (Hatch, 4). There is also the concern regarding reduced activities and being more susceptible to obesity and obesity-related illnesses. The time that individuals now spend on the internet replaces the time they use to spend on social activities.

“According to this explanation, the Internet is similar to other passive, non-social entertainment activities, such as watching TV, reading, or listening to music” (Kraut, Robert, et al., 15). Watching television and playing on the internet can lead to a privatization of entertainment and affect the psychological well-being of the children and cause social withdrawal.

Scholarly Research
All technology does not affect a child in the same manner. “Some forms of technology have no effect on the form of behavior they were designed to transform while others have effects that reach far beyond their intended outcomes” (Bavelier, Green, and Dye, 699). The author continues to discuss how technology is beneficial in building cognitive and analytical skills of the user. There are many learning benefits available from using technology. For example, texting promotes literacy, video games eye-hand-coordination, and the internet is a world of information at one’s fingertips.

There are many today who still are concerned about the potential for the negative effects on the young users. Too much time being spent playing video games, lack of human interactions and the absence of physical activities are just a few. “Most of the studies, however, showed that various technologies support children’s social development” (Hsin, Li, and Tsai, 95). Friends talk about the new games they just bought, or they can communicate with their friends through game systems. Families use technology to play together. Technology is just another form of entertainment that brings children together with their family and friends.

Digital children are the generation that are growing up with a type of disconnect from adults. The disconnect includes parents and teachers alike. “They are more advanced in their capabilities with technology and more responsive and flexible to new developments” (Elkind, 9). Their interaction may be different; however they are more prepared for the future ahead of them. It is also important to consider the disconnect may not be a bad thing. Children can pursue their education from home via distant learning. It can provide new opportunities and eliminate unnecessary issues that take place in the classroom. Kids can text their parents now instead of calling them. Technology is evolving, and it is changing how we function.

Personal Claim
Technology is a part of society, and there is no possible way to escape its presence. Children using technology is not a negative thing; there is a lot that can be learned from its capabilities. The young user’s social development can be enhanced by the interaction and collaboration with peers. It can also build family relationships like adult-child interaction. Multiculturalism is also developed in children through the use of technology. Also, there is no definitive proof that excess technology usages lead to obesity and or social issues.

The knowledge and proficiency that is gained by children who use technology regularly prepare them for the real world. Currently, about sixty percent of the job market has some technological focus, and the estimate will only continue to grow. Children who are comfortable with technology will have a tech advantage and is more likely to find success in that environment. Many of the new game systems promote physical activities such as Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero. Just because one enjoys technology does not mean they are being deprived of the essentials of life. Research has shown that what was once believed to be negative associations with children using technology has now been disproved.

Common Ground
The common grounds for the opposition and personal position regarding technologies effects on children are to implement monitors. Even though the studies supported that there is no serious detriment associated with technological uses, an easy way to meet the opposition in the middle is to create time restraints for the children’s time they use technology. The social and physical interactions will take place through technology and in face-to-face connections. It will ensure that social practices and physical activities are still a part of the normal regimen.

Technology provides children with new advancements in learning and does not pose a significant harm to their overall development and well-being. Technology is impeded into our society, providing many different benefits for all users. The concerns associated with children using technology was unwarranted, and the benefits show more positive than negative. Technology provides a new and advanced method of learning, even classrooms are evolving to have technology as a part of the standard curriculum. Technology serves to not only entertain children but also to prepare them for the future.

    Work Cited
  • Bavelier, Daphne, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye. “Children, Wired: For Better and For Worse”. Neuron 67.5 (2010): 692-701. Print.
  • Elkind, D. “The Reality of Virtual Stress”. CIO Magazine, Fall/Winter (2003): Print.
  • Hatch, Kristina. “Determining the Effects of Technology on Children”. Senior Honors Projects Paper 260 (2011): 3-32. Print.
  • Hsin, Ching-Ting, Ming-Chaun Li, and Chin-Chung Tsai. “The Influence of Young Children’sUse of Technology on Their Learning: A Review”. Educational Technology & Society 17.4 (2015): 85-89. Print.
  • Kraut, Robert, et al. “Internet paradox: A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?” American psychologist 53.9 (1998): 10-17. Print.