Deconstruction is a movement and theory of literal criticism that questions traditional assumptions about identity, truth, and uncertainty. The philosophical movement asserts that words can only refer to other words. Deconstruction attempts to demonstrate that statements about their meanings subvert their meaning. Deconstruction in the literature refers to the recognized artistic value of a text. Henri Fayol was an engineer and French by nationality. Fayol developed the theory of scientific management. Henry Mintzberg came up with the theory of classical tradition and management of work. His work was based on planning, commanding, organizing, controlling, and coordinating of workers. Fayol’s function still describes the useful way of conceptualization of management’s job (Raelin, 2012).

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This paper tries to focus on deconstruction in relation to the ideas of management by Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg. Deconstruction in this aspect tries to explain the relationship of the theories to workers. The managers are advocated to create conditions for genuine collaborative engagement in organizations. The paper also focuses on issues of management as the role of dialogue in management. The research tries to hypothesize the value of different management strategies applied by managers at various levels in the organization. The research questions include issues like do you believe in the dialogue as a means of developing a real employee-management relationship? The next question is there a role of the workers and managers in facilitating proper dialogue procedures and management techniques?

The method used in the study involved the use of structured questionnaires directed to both the management and the employees. 20 employees were select randomly from various departments, and five managers were also selected. The workers filled the questionnaires anonymously so as to avoid victimization. Randomized sampling was conducted on the employees at various levels of management. Randomized sampling was used to reduce biases and to give employees an opportunity at random. Stratified sampling was used to get information from the top management. The results were then analyzed using a statistical tool. Statistical Program for Social Scientist (SPSS) was then used to analyze the data. Since the population target was less, chi-square was used to analyze the data. Tables were used to show the various responses received from the research while the charts represented the proportion of the respondents (Rendtorff, 2013).

18 of the respondents agreed that proper dialogue and management techniques are very useful in developing a healthy work environment. The results are less than the significant level of .05. The results are not statistically significant meaning that the hypothesis is accepted. The hypothesis states that various management strategies for enhancing of the dialogue is an essential tool for managing employees. Most workers agreed that the management employs the use of dialogue in trying to enhance a mutual relationship within the workforce. It means that with proper management procedures related to Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg are necessary to develop a healthy working environment.

Managers are tasked with facilitating appropriate dialogue procedures in order to get the right work output from the workers. Employees will give all their best in terms of performance that translates to an increased production in the organizations. When proper dialogue procedures are employed by the management, the result is converted directly to an increased production. Management at all levels should apply the theories of management by Henri Fayol and Henry Mintzberg according to the findings (Hatch, 2012).

The findings of the research are that with proper management procedures, decomposition is essential for every manager to use in the management field. When the managers use the correct dialogue procedures and management tactics, the theories of management and classical theories are very easy to implement to the workforce. The two theories of management go hand in hand since they are both employee oriented. The research hopes that organizations will change their tactics in enhancing various management strategies and dialogue in the wake of creating a healthy communication between the employees and the workers.