The need to assess possible security threats to the Democratic-Republican National Convention being hosted in Miami-Dade, Florida is critical in maintaining the safety of all members attending this event. Furthermore, there is an evident need to assess possible security threats that may compromise the safety of the city. In determining how to maintain safety at the event and within the community, the Miami-Dade Police Department needs to assess previous events, and periods of civil unrest and apply the strengths and weaknesses of the police department’s response to planning security measures for the Democratic-Republican National Convention.

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It is also important to assess individualistic variables associated with this event and the designated location in order to identify possible threats. Through examining these variables, the Incident Commander will develop a better understanding as to what actions need to be taken in order to minimize all possible threats and ensure the community remains safe during the Democratic-Republican National Convention.

In the past, many acts of civil unrest occurred due to some type of perceived injustice towards one specific group. This suggests that certain groups within the population may protest or assemble if they believe there is some type of injustice present. Although the United States Constitution provides individuals the right to assemble, it is critical that the Miami-Dade Police Department take actions in order to ensure these protests remain civil. From this standpoint, the way the police department approaches planning for this event and problems that may occur, directly influences how protesters will respond.

This was further exemplified in exploring the ‘McDuffie Riots.’ As addressed in the Case Study (n.d.) the lack of an aggressive police response led 18 deaths, 180 injuries and more than $100 million in damages. In applying lessons from the ‘McDuffie Riots’ there is a critical need to ensure that well-trained police officers are ready to assemble and take action immediately after an incident has occurred.

In reviewing previous incidences, it appears as though certain factors trigger civil unrest. Whether these factors involve a not guilty verdict in a controversial case, the actions of the federal government, or even a controversial politician speaking at the upcoming event, certain actions or occurrences directly influence the likelihood that civil unrest will occur. However, the Miami-Dade Police Department is responsible for maintaining peace. Unfortunately, there is nothing that the department can do to prevent a controversial politician (domestic or international) from attending the event. Despite this prospect, the Incident Commander needs to review the event’s current itinerary in order to determine if any public speakers, diplomats, or individuals associated with controversial actions will be speaking at the event. Even if none of these individuals are speaking at the event, the prospect of having someone who is believed to have committed an injustice against an individual or group may also trigger civil unrest and violence in society. Therefore, the Miami-Dade Police Department needs to review the guest list and determine whether or not anyone on this list may contribute to unrest in society. The Incident Commander should further consider increasing security measures on the days, or times a controversial individual will be present in order to minimize the risk associated with his or her presence.

The highly anticipated Democratic-Republican National Convention will be heavily covered in the news media. The need to determine how to protect members of the event, society, and the news media is of the utmost importance. In reviewing the layout of the event, it is recommended that a special area towards the front of the building is set aside for the press. This will ensure that event members will have the ability to speak with the media if they choose to. However it is also important to have a police presence in this area. In addressing this need, police officers will be placed between the media and individuals attending the event. This will be done in order to ensure that event members are safe. Furthermore, there will be police officers placed directly behind the area reserved for media professionals. The purpose of placing police officers behind the media in addition to having them placed in the front of the building is to ensure that no non-media personnel are able to slip into the area designated for the media. This will further help to ensure that if an incident does occur, it will be far enough away from the designated building to pose a serious threat to individuals attending the event.

Although securing the front of the building is an important attribute in maintaining security at the event, it is also important to address the coastal region directly behind the building. The close proximity between the event and the Port of Miami makes it critical that the Miami-Dade Police Department have some type of police presence on the coast, preventing boats and other oceanic vehicles. Since federal resources have been allocated for this event, the incident commander should work directly with the coast guard in order to set up blocks, preventing unauthorized boats from coming too close to the area. This will further help to ensure that no one, regardless of his or her intention, is able to gain access to the building using the surrounding coast.

In assessing previous responses, and current variables associated with the upcoming Democratic-Republican National Convention, recommendations were made in order to minimize potential threats to the region. These recommendations focus on using trained police officers in designated areas, a response that fits the actions of protestors, and prevents individuals from using the surrounding coast behind the building from gaining access to the event. The incorporation of these recommendations will help to ensure that the Democratic-Republican National Convention is a success, and that all individuals living in or visiting Miami-Dade County remain safe.