The Case of Sue
Sue, as a distraught parent, has experienced a number of disturbing episodes and painful encounters in her life in the recent past. She might be tempted to believe that the happenings around her are her fault. However, the reality of the matter is that the decisions that the people around her, namely her daughter and husband, make are the sole determinants of their destinies and the journey of their lives. In principle, the main objective of the session would be to guide Sue to understand that it not her fault that her daughter, for instance, felt terrible about the outcome of the presidential election. As such, she should first accept that she cannot be the one to control and take charge of all the things that happen to the people around her regardless of how emotionally attached to them she might be.

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Instinctively, it is vital to mention that the impact of trauma is broad and might touch on a number of spheres and areas of human life. Therefore, a patient must understand that one area of trauma or stress would easily spill to other areas of life even if they are not related to the main subject of concern (Fallot & Harris, 2009). As such, as a prospective trauma therapist, it would be fair to inform and notify the patient that the risk of losing her daughter and grandchild may emotionally strain and stress other realms of her life. The session would also seek to explain to the client, Sue, that the outcome of the trauma would be life changing and may generally affect the direction and spectrum of her life not only in the present time but also in the future. An appropriate intervention plan would be to empower the patient to understand that she is solely responsible for the actions and emotions that emanate from her and not any other person.

The Case of Marta
Marta has experienced fears and increased anxiety due to the prospects or chances that they might be deported back to Mexico. As a result, she has grown fearful and anxious about leaving her apartment to go to classes. In this line of thought and regard, it is critical to mention that trauma has the potential of shielding a person from beneficial and helpful links or relationships. As such, a person would be easily prompted or tempted to view all other people in the society as potential enemies. However, the reality is that there are many people in the social cycles and life of the patient, Marta, who might wish to assist her overcome her situation. Therefore, the primary objective of the session would be to explain that during the period of tension and anomie, a person would grow paranoid and seek to shut oneself from the world. In principle, the moment a person closes the outside world from her reach it would become practically difficult and impossible to avail assistance and help to them (Fallot & Harris, 2009).

A proper corrective measure and advice or objective of this session would be to ensure the emotional and physical safety of Marta. In brief, the patient should be open to chance and opportunity of emotional and physical assistance from other people such as close friends and family members unless the situation dictates otherwise. In retrospect, the patient must try to fight the paranoia. In fact, she should embrace any emotional and physical assistance directed to her. In the end, it would allow her cope with the situation. Importantly, the best way of tackling personal fears is by addressing the issues. In this case, her anxiety are easy to address since they come from unconfounded fears.