The rapid growth of social media injustices and inequality is alarming and is overwhelming the capacity of states and the civil societies despite the fact that the spread and impact are threatening. It is evident through which even the top officials in governments are finding hard to fight the menace. Social media usage, currently, is a platform for useful information and on the other hand, an excellent platform for cyber racism and bullying (Byrd, Gilbert & Richardson, 2017). In this case, it is a challenge of who to blame because the issue is challenging to assess that is, beginning from race, gender, ethnicity and race.

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Assessing Social Media Inequality
Social media inequality is the cause of social injustices that a lot of people undergo. Recent statistics show the use of internet and social media as a great source of bias (Robinson, Cotten, Schulz, Hale & Williams, 2015). They compare two types of people in the society, the well-off and the low-income earners. In this case, those who are earning more take advantage of social media to receive better deals online and products which the low-class people do not get. The survey shows that gender is also an issue because according to statistics, men between sixteen years and 35 years have a high chance of getting life partners online than women and even high incidences of women bullying. Evidence of cyberbullying is notable between different races where one race claims to be superior to the other and sometimes have led to public spat on these platforms (Grusky, 2014). Comparing the way real life issues and the way those issues appear on social media show a huge difference. School may serve as a platform to bring equality but instead by educating the children on the essence of preventing online injustices serves as a way of imparting those children that they are different leading to instances of them growing up and taking to social media these difference. So the race is an issue.

Social media platforms are the primary source of these inequalities. They include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social sites where people meet to share ideas. These platforms act as an interface for people to air their grievances, for instance, the murder of Trayvon Martin by white police officers which people claim it was as a result of him being a black man (Byrd, Gilbert & Richardson, 2017). The people who fall victims to this issue are the less powerful, otherwise the inferior. These include the black, female population, and the low-income earners. In this case, there have been cases of influential people using social media to voice concerns that have raised eyebrows. The way, for instance, Trump addresses the nation, or the globe is sometimes a cause to worry (Baum, 2017). Trump uses social media the way he wishes to voice his concerns regardless of the outcome, whether racial or negative is the least of his worries and nothing can be done about it, therefore exhibiting the height in which social media is full of injustices. He shows no resentments making one ponder whether the issue of class and power justifies the means: Does it give one the right to talk the way they wish? Are the policemen defended to handle black Americans the way they do because of their skin color? These issues are not seen in real life the way they happen in social media.

Solving this issue of inequality in social media has been the goal of every state. Since social platforms seem to offer the whites superiority than in real-life scenarios, there is need to ensure that they integrate and work with others to make things easy. Men also, on the other hand, need to treat women as equal. The issue of possessing more wealth or having certain privileges should not be an enabling platform to use social media the way one feels like making use of it. Finally the issue of ensuring there is no ethnic attacks or bullying over the press.