Topic: Household waste separation
General Purpose: To persuade

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Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to contribute to waste management through household waste separation method
Thesis Statement: Household waste separation is important in reducing the amount of landfill and reducing the cost of recycling.

Attention Step
Attention Getter: Everyday, our households are sources of waste from multiple sources, but have you ever considered how the waste is managed after discarding it in the rubbish bin and the implications of that process?
An average person produces about 500 kilos of waste every year (Noorman&Uiterkamp, 2014).
Household waste management makes it easy to apply various cost effective recycling methods, such as sorting and decomposing
Most of the un-recycled waste goes into incinerators of landfills

Credibility Statement: I have witnessed the encroachment of landfill to residential areas because of unsayable waste management.
Topic Justification: Source separation of household waste is widely recognized as an effective method for creating a sustainable solid wasterecycling system.With increasing challenges in waste management, people are required to take more responsibility of personal waste management (Noorman & Uiterkamp, 2014). Some municipals are coming up with policies that seek to penalize people for poor recycling. In some cities, free waste collection service is provided to people practicing household waste separation (Waste Management World, 2008).
Preview:Today, I want to take you through a simple and cost effective method that you can use to reduce the landfills and make the process of recycling easy and less costly.
Transition: Let’s begin with the menace that is the household waste

Problem/Need Step
The need:
About 80% of household waste can be recycled if people are willing and cooperative (Noorman & Uiterkamp, 2014).
Landfills are running out of space (Noorman & Uiterkamp, 2014). Dumping waste without recycling is unsustainable because of the shrinking space for landfills.
Recycling materials such as glass and steel is cheaper that manufacturing them. This minimizes the energy requirementsand cost for manufacturing these items from their raw materials.

Illustration of the need:
People need to reduce waste that ends in landfill. Landfills may encroach to public spaces or residential areas if people do not reduce waste. The best way to achieve sustainable waste management is to manage it from the source. Households are sources of significant amount of waste that ends in landfills.
Effective and sustainable waste management requires a common mindset. There is the need for public awareness about the benefits of separating waste at the source. We have a shared responsibility to keep the environment clean and ensure proper management of resources.

Extent and seriousness of the need: Poorly managed waste has direct and indirect costs to individuals and the public including being a health hazard.
Audience Involvement:
An overview of my audience shows that all of them commute from home to school or work.
They agreed that they get involved in various domestic activities that produce waste including obvious tasks such as cooking.
Transition: Having looked at the problem of waste management and our collective responsibility to it, let’s talk about the solution and simple ways to implement it.

Solution Step
Evaluation of proposed alternative solution: Many people believed that they are done with their responsibility of waste management after collecting wastematerials and dumping it in waste bins.
Consider how that habit complicates the process of recycling.
Mixed waste materials are difficult to sort and recycle.
Statement of My Solution: The simplest and recognized way of addressing the challenge of household waste is sorting at the source.
Explain the Solution: Separating household waste involves using different trash bins for various categories of waste.
Categorize the common household waste: the categories may include paper waste, plastic waste and electronics, glass and the non-recyclables. The non-recycles are mainly comprised of the organic materials.
Get a trash bin for each category of waste.
Separate waste and dump it into the respective trash bin

Illustrate/Demonstrate the Effectiveness of the Solution:
Separating waste is important for recovering the useful materials- The method clearly separates what is to be recycled from what is destined to the landfills.
Minimal waste is directed to landfills- only the decomposable waste is taken to the landfill.
Household waste management is perceived negatively by those who think that it is a complex and costly process. When household waste management is mentioned what comes to the mind for many people is a complex procedure that requires huge investments in terms of physical space, time and equipment (Noorman & Uiterkamp, 2014).
Objection: You do not need extensive changes. Only few additional trash bins will be required.
Sorting is done systematically as each waste material is deposited in the respective trash bin.
There is no special skills/knowledge required to sort waste material.
Explanation: The cost of separating waste is very minimal and the task is very simple for most people. The cost of acquiring additional waste bins is negligible compared to all the potential costs of poor waste management to individuals and the society.
Transition:Now that you understand the process of managing household waste, let’s consider its value.

Visualization Step
Negative Visualization: Imagine the landfill extending to your nearest public park because of complexities with waste management.Everyone dislikes a filthy neighborhood, and so most likely you will feel very uncomfortable.
Positive Visualization: In contrast, now imagine a situation where everyone takes responsibility of their household waste. Everyone would be at peace about environmental hazards and the public cost of wastemanagement would be minimal.

Action Step
We have focused on the need for separating household waste, and its benefits to you and the society.
Now let’s take our responsibility to ensure sustainablewaste management in our homes and neighborhoods.