DevOps is a G-Cloud based initiative that combines cultural tools, practices, and philosophies to help increase the ability of an organization to provide services and applications at high speeds, which helps them provide better services to their customers. Its high security protocols, improved collaboration, reliability, rapid delivery, and high speeds makes it better than traditional management processes. This technology seeks to breach the gap between private companies and the public sector, in particular, the government by offering a wide range of digital services. DevOps is an initiative that saw to it that private companies offer governments and digital services for the first time ever in the world. So far, the adoption of DevOps in the United Kingdom’s public sector has benefited the UK’s digital sector in numerous ways (Moore et al., 2016). For instance, DevOps has enabled the government of the UK to ensure the digital-first experience for the public.

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Develops enables marketers establish clear marketing-related analytics. Using its cloud-based technology, marketers get a chance to influence how they can use available data in decision making and be competitive. Besides, its interdepartmental communication platform offers a solution to companies to change how they operate to meet customer needs. This can easily be done by integrating customer feedback in quality improvement. The use of DevOps in making IT infrastructure, application operations, and application development work as one reduced failure rates by more than 50%, reduce in time to market by 50-75%, and increase capacity creation by 25-30% (McKinsey, 2017).

In the engineering digital sector, DevOps has played a crucial role in changing the focus of from SDLCs and software to engineering and services. The adoption of DevOps in different sectors and particularly the engineering one and governments has shaped its demand and supply over the last decade.

Before the invention of DevOps as a cloud service, the government was not digitally structured to handle the demands of the population of today. As such, the opportunity to use DevOps to bridge the gap and offer digital-first services to the public. Since its implementation, DevOps has made operations that were once a dream become a reality for the public. The most benefiting organizations from the use of DevOps are public organizations (Moore et al., 2016). These organizations procure digital cloud services from the founder company, Contino. They then move on to use the services to enhance the provision of services to the public through a faster delivery framework that enhances the competitive advantage of the involved organizations.

The growing use of digital technology in the UK has led to an astronomic type of transformation that is bound to positively affect the infrastructure of the nation moving forward. It is undeniable that as more companies continue the use of DevOps, it is spurring a revolution of digital transformation that is bound to change the way services are provided to the public. The public sector in the UK has now a more valuable competitive advantage over their competitors in the private sector in that they are able to provide their services in a digital-first kind of experience that is unmatched by any other in the market. DevOps has therefore not only made services available to the digital population of the UK but has enabled access to every single individual in the nation.

The transformation brought about by DevOps will also increase the quality of services by ensuring the continuation of cloud services that provide faster service delivered. However, one unique aspect of the digital transformation related to the adoption of DevOps is that the rate at which IT skills will grow in the public sector will be faster than previously experienced in the public sector (Moore et al., 2016). This is bound to be the inevitable future of the use of DevOps in the digital sector. The growth of IT skills to match the use of the advanced technology will enable better use of the cloud services, creating the potential for continued growth in the future.

  • McKinsey. 2017. DeVops: The Key to IT Infrastructure agility. Available at
  • Moore, J., Kortuem, G., Smith, A., Chowdhury, N., Cavero, J., & Gooch, D. (2016, May). Devops for the urban iot. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (pp. 78-81). ACM.