Women are important members of the society across the globe. This is because they are associated with various activities and roles that are critical constructs of the family and the society at large. Women across the world perform different tasks that define their identity and distinguish them from men. Venezuela is one of the countries that regard women with the respect and dignity deserve. Women in Venezuela are regarded as typical South Americans because of their origin and place of habitation. Just like other women from other places across the globe, Women in Venezuela have unique characteristics that are exceptional to their identity.

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Representation and Chores of Women
In Venezuela, the roles of women differ from one place to another depending on the cultural orientation. The women in rural areas are subjected to different situations and circumstances to those that reside in the urban areas. Women that reside in the rural areas of Venezuela are constantly subjected to situations that require them to perform very demanding tasks that are usually shared with men. Most of these tasks are very physical, and they require the women to apply massive effort and energy. On the other hand, women in the urban places always perform tasks that do not require a lot of physical activities.

The Nature of the Women
However, there are some aspects that are common to all women in Venezuela. All the typical women in Venezuela are very industrious and committed to performing their chores. Some of the chores that are generally regarded as women work include the domestic activities that are performed within the households. As a result, most of the women are usually found attending to the home duties and enhancing the home comfort of their men and children. These jobs are easily acceptable among these women.

The Rights and Representation of the Women
The women in Venezuela are legitimately regarded as equal to men. This is because of the rights and privileges given to them just like to men. However, their social and cultural predisposition makes the women become generally perceived as the weaker sex, and they are always perceived inferior to the men. This is also one of the reasons that dictate the kind of work they are known for in the domestic places. However, the current cultural transformation has made most women educated to the same ranks as the men, and they perform most of the responsibilities performed by men in economic development.

Transformation of Women Roles and Perceptions
The advent of globalization and information systems has affected the position of a woman in the Venezuelan society. This is because of the change of perception and attitudes that has been created by the global perspectives and international influences. In the positive perspective, globalization has led to the enlightenment of women and most of them are empowered to perform various sophisticated duties. On the other hand, the globalization has affected them negatively because most of the women are misrepresented in the beauty and advertisement industries. Most of the women are regarded as objects of beauty and sexuality, and their major work is to impress and satisfy men.

Empowering Women
One of the aspects that is gaining massive support in the recent years is the empowerment of women in Venezuela through promoting equality. The most practical and realistic way of achieving gender equality is through eliminating violence of against women in the country. Empowering the women also entails encouraging activities that are likely to increase their participation in activities that are dominated by men like in politics. Promoting equality is perceived to be a sure way of promoting the dignity and respect to the women.