In Israel, there are a couple of anthropological scenarios that exhibit themselves. The first is the macro-social arrangements which construct the normalization of the on the individual level which serves as the mechanism for the social control. The war and all it goes with are among the many themes which are reflected in the formal and informal curricula, overtly and latently. The Jewish Israeli prepare for war because of the threat they face throughout their lives. This internalization of war as part of life is the result of the socialization process. The heroism of war is structured in the myth of a war hero, which is a key element in the ethos of sabra.

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Conscription occurs in Israel for all Jews over the age of 18. Although there are some exemptions, most of the teenagers are required to serve in the military for two years. Conscription in Israel is an expensive activity because the government has to train and cater for hundreds of recruits every year. However, conscription serves a major purpose in Israel which is ensuring that a compliant population is unlikely to act or speak ill about their country (Grossman et al, 2015). The institution of reserve duty is also important in the social structuralization of the importance and normalization of war within life. The “Feminist Manifesto” also exists in the conscription in Israel which is the call to all women to come out and express their support for the vigil (Swed, 2015). The aspect of feminism and fundamentalism carried a major dilemma in the society. Feminism was based on ‘maternal thinking’ which entailed examining the local context of every group of women. It carried the cultural richness and diversity; which was the perception of history (Grossman et al, 2015). It is clear from the text that the conscription in Israel had a lot of anthropological aspects with it.

  • Grossman, G., Manekin, D. and Miodownik, D., 2015. The Political Legacies of Combat: Attitudes Toward War and Peace Among Israeli Ex-Combatants. International Organization, 69(4), pp.981-1009.
  • Swed, O. and Butler, J.S., 2015. Military capital in the Israeli Hi-tech industry. Armed Forces & Society, 41(1), pp.123-141.