While referring to crimes in the Bible, there are numerous examples of crimes. It is important to understand that these crimes do not necessarily fit into the modern understanding of crime. For instance, male-male sexual relationship in the Bible was perceived as a crime in the Bible. Historically, the types of crimes one could encounter in the Bible were primarily based on the moral aspects, as the behavioral norms listed in the Bible guided people in their actions.

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Hence, in the context of Bible and the nature of crime arguments there, it is clear that crimes were not the same, and the institution responsible for punishing these crimes was determined the Heavenly Kindgdom guided by the Lord (Conklin, 2013). Therefore, people were encouraged not to commit any crimes due to potential consequences to be paid in the eternal life.

The concept ‘all crimes are sin, but not all sins are crimes’ reflects the essence of the crimes in the Bible. The concept of a sin is based on the moral dilemma, which entails certain unacceptable actions by an individual. In that regard, sin can be regarded as a moral dilemma for those who are religious, as the sin may entail the consequences in the eternal life (Mitnick, Simon, 2011). However, those individuals who do not base their decisions on their religious beliefs, are more likely to commit the actual crimes. That is why, they have to bear the future responsibility for their actions.

While referring to crimes in the Bible, it is certainly true that there are multiple examples provided. Essentially, they represent various dimensions of moral dilemmas that God posed in front of people. The sooner one realizes these why certain issues are perceived as crimes, the outcomes will be more likely to differentiate moral dilemmas and crimes.