On the introduction part of the Iranian revolution, a definition of the Iranian revolution can be clarified as an event that was made to overthrow the dynasty of Pahlavi under the regime of Mohammad Reza who during that time had support from the United States of America. according to Afary et al. (102), the Iranian revolution in nineteen-seventy-eight to nineteen-seventy-nine caused the monarchy to fall and strongly established an Islamic republic (Afary et al., 102).
In a formal and professional tone, apart from agreements of historic nuclear between Iran and United States, Iran eased its tension with the United States. America gave Iran a warm welcoming. An Anti-American feeling was created by Iran which formed an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps so as to ensure security and protection are all guaranteed to the citizens.
The background information of the Iranian revolution is that the United States of America in the period of Cold War was concerned to expand its Soviet Unions to the middle east countries. The United States of America collaborated with Iran to establish its democratic values as planned. In this process, Iranians succeeded to bring Shah Rezi to power. Jervis and Robert (211) support that Shah Rezi had authoritative tactics and harsh way of leadership which brought up the rise of protests (Jervis and Robert, 211). Thereafter, Iran’s religious leaders started gaining a lot of popularity as the country faced revolution. Shah at this point lost stability. It was also discovered that Shah had close connections with the United States of America. The United States of America embassy was attacked and those American citizens that were found in the embassies were taken hostage by the opposition. United States of America faced several complications out of the crisis and they hid their involvement in the scandal as they rescued their hostages.
One of the most important people in the Iranian revolution is Reza Shah. Reza Shah is the reason why Iranian revolution came into existence. Though when Reza Shah was a leader, not so many challenges were witnessed compared to those witnessed at the time of Ayatollah Sayyid. Ayatollah Sayyid is also another important person in this revolution. As the nineteenth century was coming to an end, secular intellectuals were being set free to enjoy their well-being, Shia clergy and merchants were also set free. An important place in the Iranian revolution was the Milad Tower where communication, accommodation, and facilities for combining information were established. Another important place was Chehel Sotoun where receptions and entertainments were offered.
Milad Tower
Some of the developments that were involved in the Iranian revolution according to Alhumaidi and Majid (199) were: existence of human rights which were universal, reconstruction and development of third world countries., international cooperation which helped in conflict solving, global revised economic order as well as peaceful co-existence within nations (Alhumaidi and Majid, 199). Life standard of the Iranian people changed. National unity was imposed, democratic ways were used by the government and judicial, political and civil rights were guaranteed to all Iranians. Economic and social infrastructures were also established and improved.
In the analysis of quotes, President Bush quoted that, “Iran is an ancient land, home to a proud culture with a rich heritage of learning and progress. The future of Iran will be decided by the people of Iran. Right now, the Iranian people are struggling with difficult questions about how to build a modern 21st-century society that is at once Muslim, prosperous, and free”. Bush promised that America’s target is to ensure Iran is a peaceful country. President Truman also quoted that “You know of our sympathetic interest in this country in Iran’s desire to control its natural resources. From this point of view, we were happy to see that the British Government has on its part accepted the principle of nationalization.” This was purposely to help Iran be a democratic country.
To conclude, the Iranian revolution was an enigmatic function in the twentieth century. Expected outcomes were well achieved therefore making the United States be successful in their mission. Modernization, educational systems, and bureaucracy were developed as a result of the revolution. A good number of people developed in a mature way and opens their eyes to know what human rights entail. Freedom was also experienced as the revolution developed a form of subjectivity.
- Afary, Janet, and Kevin B. Anderson. Foucault and the Iranian revolution: Gender and the seductions of Islamism. University of Chicago Press, 2010.
- Alhumaidi, Majid. A critical discourse analysis of Al-Ahram and Aljazeera’s online coverage of Egypt’s 2011 revolution. University of Florida, 2013.
- Jervis, Robert. Why intelligence fails: lessons from the Iranian Revolution and the Iraq War. Cornell University Press, 2010.