Technology has become a vital fragment of our daily lives. A lot of the human activities, we do now have been computerized or apply some form of technology to make them more efficient. The introduction of technology in English language learning is far overdue. Given that English is among the leading global communications, it is important to equip learners with proper English skills . In my lesson plan, I will introduce the use of the Grammarly and Pronunciation Power software. These software that have an online option helps the learner in learning English words, phrases, sentence structures and proper punctuations.

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The incorporation of this software in the learning of English in line with the needs of English learners in that; it will help in reading, writing and listening to English . This is through the features that are in this software. The combined software have the reading, writing, and speaking functionalities.

The objectives that will be evaluated at the end of this learning process are:
Ability to write and pronounce English words correctly.
Ability to write and speak in structurally correct English statements
Ability to write and talk in logical English statements.

To execute this plan effectively, it will be necessary to move some English classes to the computer lab. This is because the software will have to be installed on computers for the use of individual students.

To integrate this system into my lessons, the students first have to be comfortable with using computers. This makes learning easier and a bit faster. The first step in this process will be typing necessary words into the computer. What the software does is checking whether the student has the right spelling of the words, if not the computer will automatically generate a suggestion of the proper spelling of the word. After getting the correct spelling, the student will use pronunciation Power to help them in speaking out the words. This will be routinely done until the learners have at least 80% of the spellings and pronunciations right. The reason for pegging the pass mark at 80 percent is because in general learning it is considered a pass .

After covering basic words, the students progress to basic phrase like greetings. Once again, they will be required to type into the computer the different greetings for different times. On writing the computer checks for the structure of the greetings, as well as the spellings of the words. Whenever a learner gets a word wrong, the computer will highlight the bad part of the phrase and give them suggestions of the right structuring of the phrase. When the structure is correct, the student is then tested for pronunciation. Progression to the next stage will be evaluated by the ability of the student to make good phrases at least 80 percent of the times.

After getting the phrase structures correct the student’s progress to the sentence level at this level, the students are supposed to combine several phrases to from a sentence. Grammarly evaluates sentence structures in terms of phrase combination and flow of logic. This will make certain that the students can get their phrase combinations right. But it will also enable them to create logical sentences that are understandable . Other than phrase combination and logic, at this level the students grammar will be evaluated. For the scholar to advance to the next stage, 80 percent of their sentences have to be correctly structured.

In the final stage of learning English, the students are evaluated on grammar and punctuations in advanced or combinations of sentences. When the students write, their grammar is evaluated to ensure that the right words are used in their correct tenses. Proper use of punctuation marks is also evaluated here. As this is the last stage, students will be certified to have passed when they can write correct sentences and paragraphs that are correct with respect to all the tested aspects.

A student who passes all stages with an average of 80 percent and above is considered to be perfectly proficient in their reading, writing and speaking English .

  • Butler-Pascoe, M. E., & Wiburg, K. M. (2003). Technology and Teaching English Language Learners. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Dong, Y. R. (2004). Teaching language and content to linguistically and culturally diverse students: principles, ideas, and materials. Greenwich: Information Age Pub.
  • Katamba, F. (2005.). English Words: History and Structure. London: Routledge.
  • Pierce, L. V. (2003). Assessing English language learners by Lorraine Valdez Pierce. Washington: National Education Association.
  • Walker, J. (1816). Principles of English Pronunciation. Philadelphia: Leipsig.