Most problems faced by organizations and workstations are related to ethics in a certain way. That factor implies that ethical reasoning is integral to solving several problems in workstations. This article explores some of the ethical measures applicable to finding solutions to the problems faced by Bryson Cable Corporation.

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Ethical Issues at Bryson Cable
The problem at the Bryson Cable Corporation encompassed a number of ethical issues. The primary moral matter facing the company is whether or not Wong Stanton should ignore the fault in a batch of cables produced by the Bryson Cable Corporation. Whilst eight cables passed the quality test set by the company, two of them had defects. This issue examines the company’s resolution to delivering quality products to the clients.

Another ethical issue at the Bryson is the manager’s decision on the faulty cables. He feels that Stanton should just deliver those cables without informing the inspector about them. Instead, he should direct him on how to find a solution to those problems. The third ethical matter in the company is the manager’s style of leadership.

Jackson is a dictator who believes that his decision should not be challenged by any other employee. That case tells more about Bryson Company in terms of establishing proper ethical precautions. Instead of ordering the other employees around, he should involve them in the decision-making process.

Selling a Faulty Cable
There is no way it would be right for the Byson Corporation to sell a faulty cable to the client. I think that it would be a wrong act by the company for a number of reasons. One of the ethical reasoning methods I can use in analyzing this matter is logic. It would only be logical for the company to inform the customer that two of the ten samples are faulty rather than selling all of them to him.

Since Jackson is opposing that idea, it would be a logical approach by Stanton to forward the mistakes to the senior authorities. If the company sells the faulty cables, the consequences would be even more regrettable. The cables were going to be used in developing missiles. If they misfired several service members of the United States and civilians would face the tragedy. Therefore, it is only logical for Bryson to sell only good cables to the client.

The other ethical reasoning method that can be used in this case is consistency. Here, consistency cuts this issue at two angles. First, Jackson is consistent with his stubborn and dictatorial way of handling the other employees. He feels that his decisions should be final. Second, Stanton’s behavior is consistent with his caring nature. He always thought that he could do something to find a solution to the problem.

In this case, Stanton’s consistency can help the company avoid jeopardizing the lives millions of people. Therefore, the company should find a way of dealing with the faults. They could inform the customer about it, sell him only the best cables or repair the faulty cables before selling them to him. Another method of ethical reasoning that is applicable to this case is typically good. It is wrong to sell damaged cables to the client because he will not be receiving the exact value of what he paid the company.

Stanton’s Action
I think Stanton should request the source inspector, Conway Jane, to conduct a thorough check on the warhead cable. In addition, the supervisor should also compile a report on the failed samples and represent to the inspector, Conway. If Jackson Harry continues ignoring his responsibility in solving the problem, then, Stanton should forward it to the top management of the company.

Furthermore, he can also try seeking help from someone from the parent company. The ultimate way of handling Stanton’s dilemma is using the imperative analysis of the matters at hand and providing comprehensive solutions to them. When using ethical reasoning in examining the suggestions that could have been used by Stanton requires a logical approach. Logically, by reporting his mistakes, Stanton prevents potential consequences that may befall the company, civilians, and military.

Jackson is a dictator and cannot relent from his decisions, making it harder for Stanton to convince him of the consequences that may arise from the failed sample. Again, the consequences that may result from disguising the problem as Jackson directs may lead to the end of both Stanton and Bryson Corporation. Above all, Stanton will be held responsible. For example, if many civilians die from the missile’s explosion the government will apparently arrest him while the company will also be held answerable for the failures. Jackson feels that the mistake should be disguised unless the inspector finds out the problem. This suggestion is likely to hit a snag because the inspector also depended on Stanton’s results and rarely conducted tests of her own.

Again, asking her to perform a test may also give false results because she will assume that all the samples are good after testing a few good samples. Additionally, seeking help from one of the employees within the company may also fail. That is because many workers feared Jackson for his dictatorship and may shy away from going against him. The only appropriate option for Stanton is to inform the top management about the failed samples.

In summary, colloquially, most problems faced by organizations and workstations are related to ethics in a certain way. The best approach to solving those problems, therefore, would involve the use of ethical reasoning. As outlined in this paper, Bryson Cable Corporation lacks significant ethical precautions required to run a company. However, the suggested approaches can help them correct that case.