Еhe reason for selecting “Should Changes be made to the No Child Left behind Act” is because it is extremely relevant to people who are either interested in education or plan to pursue careers in that area. The audience for such a research topic would be students, educators, legislators, and possibly private donors who have focused on educational excellence for all children. A preliminary thesis would be: The No Child Left behind Act should be repealed because evidence indicates that its focus on testing and linking teachers’ performance with test results has been detrimental to the day to day educational needs in the classroom.

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The reason for selecting a topic “Should the Family and Medical Leave Act Be Changed?” is that while the goals of that law were extremely beneficial to families and the workforce at large, a large portion of the workforce is not able to take advantage of the potential benefits of that legislation. The audience for this research would be legislators, employers, and employees. The working thesis for this research would be that the FMLA should be expanded to cover a larger portion of the workforce because of the tremendous benefits to individuals, families, and businesses that would benefit from increased worker productivity.

The reason for choosing to write about “Should the US Government Prohibit Big Companies from Outsourcing Jobs to People in Foreign Countries That Do Not Have Unions and/or Fair Labor Laws?” is that the state of the American job market is in such decline for several decades that this subject would be relevant to address issues of unemployment domestically. The audience for this topic would be all three branches of government, nonprofit and profit businesses, investors, and working people. The working thesis would be: the United States government should forbid the companies from outsourcing jobs to people in foreign countries that do not have unions or fair labor laws because globalization will only serve to exploit Third World workers while benefiting the more affluent countries.

  • Bill Of Rights in Action: Outsourcing to Other Countries: Is Globalization a Threat to American Workers. (2013). Retrieved from Constitutional Rights Foundation: http://www.crf-usa.org/bill-of-rights-in-action/bria-21-3-c-outsourcing-jobs-to-other-countries-is-globalization-a-threat-to-american-workers.html
  • Gregory, P. (2012, August 12). Outsourcer-in Chief: Obama of General Motors. Retrieved from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2012/08/12/outsourcer-in-chief-obama-of-general-motors/
  • No Child Left behind. (2011, September 19). Retrieved from Education Week: http://www.edweek.org/ew/issues/no-child-left-behind/
  • No Child Left behind Act. (2013). Retrieved from National Education Association: http://www.nea.org/home/NoChildLeftBehindAct.html
  • US Department Of Labor. (2013). Retrieved from Wage and Hour Division: http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/
  • Weiss, J. (2013, February 12). Time to Expand the Family and Medical Leave Act. Retrieved from The Boston Globe: http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2013/02/12/time-expand-family-medical-leave-act/zEoHq67WuUsRws3LWDHrVI/story.html