I was born on March 26th, 1985 in Kuwait. My parents originated from Kuwait, and we both lived in Kuwait city. In the city, my family and I lived in a big house with two floors. The house was well divided amongst the family members. My parents had a well-befitting master bedroom while my siblings and I shared the rest of the two bedrooms left downstairs. I have six siblings, four brothers, and my little sister. Technology as a form of change is inevitable, the first technological intervention I came into contact with was, my father’s computer that was kept in our bedroom for our school assignments. We also had a set of television, but my parents never allowed us to watch most of the time since they believed that any free time we had was meant for studying. Education was always like the theme of my parents. My siblings and I went to a public school where my mother was teaching. I always dreamt of being a successful businessman like my father who was my role model.

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I came from a middle-class family in third world country. My dad had his own business, and my mother was a teacher in one of the public schools near our home. My parents earned enough that I did not have to work since they provided all our necessities. I come from an Islamic family. Politics is the daily lifestyle of people; my parents were strong Democrats. I also believe in democracy since it gives room for the rule of the majority. Political conflicts and arguments are present in most families but this was a new vocabulary in our family, we were in one spirit and so believed in one political affiliation which was the democracy.

My family came from a small village situated in Kuwait city. The village has developed with time, and most of the traditional practices were done away with. I am Muslim. We practice initiation as our only form of tradition passed from our ancestors. Family gatherings are also one of the traditions that I enjoy attending. During the family gatherings, our relatives come together and celebrate the while they have been away and share what they have achieved. This is also a time to meet new family members such as my cousins, uncles and many others. I moved to the United States to further my education and settled there after I got a job. My family visited me and had a chance to have a glimpse of the environment there. My parents and siblings liked it there, and I made arrangements for them to relocate to the United States. Jewelry is one of the treasures my parents brought with them from my country. Arabic is our local language and mostly spoken at home. My entire family moved in with me. At first, we all amazed the people’s character of celebrating on Easter and Christmas since we never experienced such thrilling moments in our country.

I lived in a rural community that has developed with time. Technology is one of the major causes of change at that place. The roads are well constructed compared to the old times. The whole place is now modernized. The presence of many shops and vehicles hooting both during the day and the nights shows that change has taken place. Our neighbors were the most peaceful people to stay with. We enjoyed each other’s company during the evening sessions after work as the form of rest. The community’s primary source of income was mining. Kuwait is a major producer of crude oil. Hard work was well awarded in the form of good salary. My family respects some of the major traditions of holding celebrations such as Eid Alfeter. Eid Alfeter is celebrated after the holy month of Ramadhan where the family enjoys a special type of ice cream.

The Iraq inversion by the United States affected many people. The inversion led to the war where many died, and some were displaced from the places they called home. Most of the people from my country died, and others displaced. We suffered together as people from Kuwait and stayed together hence survival. The war between Iraq and the United States was the worst since it even defeated the Vietnam War in the 1970s. None of my family members participated in the war. I never lost any of my relatives, but we were affected as a country due to our lost citizens. War is another vocabulary that I would not wish for it to exist in mind. War has a lot of negative effects that may end up being a long-term disease to treat in our societies. The war made us be discriminated against and treated half human. We were denied our properties and lost all we had toiled for when we stayed there. We were forced to learn the new laws since they were quite different from the ones in Kuwait and abandon some of our cultures to fit in.

After the war, we had to relocate to new environments. The new homes were tough to cope up with since everything seemed different. We had to learn on how to live with the treatments we got in the United States. Life changed drastically making many people lose hope in bright future they longed and hoped for. As people from one country, we gave each hope and became each other’s strength in life. Apart from war taking lives and property, we learned to stand in for one another because we faced the same problem. The war made my efforts futile. I went to the United States to look for a brighter future for my family, which I had started achieving till the war came and took everything that I had worked for. Life must go on, and we all had to face that to enhance the coming generation’s experiences 0f a brighter tomorrow. When living in a new country, one has to learn the country’s ways of living so as for fit in.